On 12/16/2009 05:43 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
Forget snake-oil in Dublin, there is a major, major “reality” science
news story brewing, with implications of biblical proportions …
(catch-22: truth is stranger than fiction).

Here is the story of the discovery of a large water planet, in
Ophiuchus. It is the closest planet discovered to what we expect is
(was) capable of (arguably) supporting life:


Now for page 2.

The earliest prophecy in the Bible concerns a Messiah who will defeat
the serpent (Satan, but this figure is not necessarily synonymous with
evil in some interpretations). The prophecy can be found in Genesis 3:15

A *prophecy* in Gen 3:15 ??

That verse is in the *middle* of the curse God laid on the snake for having talked Eve into eating the apple, and on Eve for eating it, and on Adam for going along with the whole deal (that's 3:14 - 3:19). If you see a prophecy there, you have better eyes than I have. (Which wouldn't be hard, come to think of it.)

In fact the curse of the snake (3:14 - 3:15) is interesting in that, according to the story, it is at this point that (a) snakes lost their legs (the serpent walked into the garden in some versions, but left on his belly), (b) snakes became venomous ("he will strike your heel" -- the strike of a snake on a bare foot is now to be feared), and (c) people came to despise snakes ("he will strike your head" -- guys who descend from Eve will club snakes whenever the opportunity arises).

This, along with the rest of the creation myths packaged up in the early Bible, is an "explaining story" -- it "explains" some of the characteristics of snakes, and the general distrust with which they're viewed (many, many people can't abide snakes). In the same package, it "explains" why childbirth is so hard for humans, why we can't all be on welfare at once, and some other important stuff.

But really, I see no prophecy here.

and possibly (at least in synchronicity) it relates to this cosmological
discovery: of an alien “water world” which is close by us. All of this
synchronicity by way of the constellation Ophiuchus (try saying that one
three times rapidly ;-) and a Serpentine mythological knot of connections.

BTW, the closest star to planet Earth (other than Sol) is in this same
constellation (between Scorpios and Sagittarius), and is called
Barnard’s star - but the water planet in question orbits another nearby
red dwarf. Is this the place ET calls home?


This planet resides in, is a large constellation located around the
celestial equator and towards the center of the Milky Way from our
perspective - and is Greek for 'snake-holder' or some variation of that.
It is commonly represented as a demigod grasping a snake, and the god
has a wounded foot. That demigod is associated with Hercules, and maybe
much, much more.

Because of its proximity – if life had evolved on this planet early on
millions of years ago - and some might expect that is not ruled out,
since the red dwarf is a ‘time constant’ for a much older system (i.e.
they are usually older stars) … then Earth would likely be on a natural
“route of migration” for the advance inhabitants (i.e. in a vector away
from the center of the MW). Johannes Kepler's famous drawing of the
supernova he witnessed depicts the location of the stella nova in the
“wounded” foot of Hercules 400 years ago. This can also be woven into
any emerging SciFi or Theology story.


Anyway, another connection to this mélange is the Greek name “Oedipus”
which means “wounded foot“ and it is also symbolic of the coming
Messiah,  who would be born of the lineage of Adam and Eve. There is
"Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, which may well be an alternative form of
Hercules/Heracles (often associated with snakes beginning in infancy
when he strangled a serpent in his crib).

Ophiuchus, or Hercules, is usually depicted bearing the Serpent, in his
hands, and his right foot is almost touching the stinger of the
Scorpion. I could go on-and-on, but I will leave this to someone
delivering the Oral Roberts eulogy to take this breaking story to the
furthest absurdity possible. Gotta get 2012 in there also…

Oh! Almost forgot ! so far the planet does not have a real name, other
than “GJ 1214b” but to remedy that situation I will now pronounce one
upon it – ta-da :

Hydra-Jinn – the snake charmer.

Mahdi fine day for a baptism, I’d say…. not to mention a triple entendre …


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