(from overunity.com - from peswiki)

The following is from Peswiki about the JLN replication:

Feedback from Steorn
On December 28, 2009 1:39 AM Mountain, Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn wrote:

Thanks for that - however I must urge some caution here, what Jean-Louis
will find is that all of his electrical input is being output as heat and
that the work done by the rotor is free. However this does not mean that
simply putting in a generator will enable him to close the loop.

The reason is that the design of the 'active' coils is very important so
that the input uses minimum current to cause the effect in question - the
production of heat is a current^2 relationship. Unless this fact is
considered in the design of the input, then while the system may be more
than 100% efficient, the work done by the rotor will be less than the energy
input into the system, and so a closed loop system will not be possible.

Our next sequence of experiments will address these issues.

We are quite happy to discuss this in more detail with Jean if he has
further interest in replication (two of our engineers are French, so they
should be able to communicate well).

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