* The latest Project's update *


*The Cern/International NDR-Pathway-Identification project plots 'naturally 
occuring' Einstein-Rosen transtemporal/transdimensional pathways though 
Dark-Energy Trans-Space*
This is the Holy Grail of contemporary String/Membrane theorists.  The NDR-ID. 
project is the cutting edge medium for the diverse theories to find their 
legitimate expression in by consolidating their efforts in this hard technology 
>From Cern-Hadron, with global collaboration is emerging the 'International 
>NDR-pathway Identification Project.  'NDR' is acronymistic for Navigation of 
>Dimesional-Rift Einstein-Rosen pathways that the 'String/Membrane' theory 
>indicates are common and naturally occurring throughout the multi-spectrum 
>levels of DarkEnergy Trans-Space.
The NDR accessing technology is centering upon the super-conductive capacity of 
Hyper-Cold-Superconductors to access the Navigatable DR-Einstein-Rosen pathways 
through transdimensional-transtemporal DarkEnergy Trans-Space.
The Trans-Spacial DarkEnergy Super-Membrane cross permeates and acts as the 
very 'All-Conjoining Super-Carrier-Wave' through all possible 
spectrum-variations and Energy Plateau Whole-Dimensions ubiquitously.  And thus 
Trans-Space naturally occuring Einstein-Rosen pathways will allow us to chart & 
access vectors through where-ever/when-ever DarkEnergy Trans-Space accesses 
with is 'Virtually-Limitless.'  Thusly we can hard-copy/chart the 'real' 
vector-pathways which will thereby give us a clearer picture as to the 
String-Membrane DarkEnergy Aexo-Trans-Space structure(s).
This burgeoning new approach to Einstein-Rosen opens the doors to connecting 
trans-resonant adjacent Universii so that we may ascertain whether there is 
truly extant said 'parallel universes' &/or 'adjacent-bubble universii.'  The 
theory that we are neighbors to various  quasi-parallel multi-variational 
universes that actually directly mirror to some degree our own will is the 
grand quest for us to prove or disprove.  It makes great Sci-Fi movies but we 
will be able to find out if it is indeed a fact; at least more-or-less.
Intitial Einstein-Rosen NDR pathway forays have been focused on Trans-Space 
access to our own immediate planetary transtemporal venue(our own history). The 
early indicators are that the "energy-fabric of historic occurrance" is indeed 
of such a 'super-tenacious weave/energy-harmonic-matrix' that historic events 
are all but impossible to effect in any significant way.  The analogy is that 
you may throw even a large stone into a large river; but the ripples of that 
stone within a strongly-established 'current-flow-pathway' change virtually 
'nothing' relative to the ultimate course of the river itself.  
Historic-temporal-event-flow is just such a river that are ultimately governed 
by the 'super-currents' of DarkEnergy Aexo-Trans-Space that likely act as a the 
Ultimate-Carrier-Wave that ties all Spectrums & Dimensions & Universii together 
as on contiguous 'Whole-Cloth' Super-Membrane.  And thusly the various 'String' 
within the 'Whole-Cloth' act like the 'connective-tissue' such as the 
contiguous membrane that connects the internal-organelle(s)-bio-symbiotic 
system with a cell; or also like unto the contiguous connective-support tissue 
with the body of any organic creature.
When we open the NDR-Einstein-Rosen data-port-pathway-tunnel we are making a 
true high-energy connection to another position at specific space-time 
vector-coordinates(initially to our 'past').  We are utilizing Trans-Space 
accessing super-conductive Hyper-Cold technology which is forming the 
NDR-ER-path as a High-Density focused Electro-Gravitational tunnel.  At the 
other end this has a tendency to have a profound 'real' energetic effect which 
can be dangerous to molecular integrity in the target connection zone.  
Allegorically, this is akin being in the pathway of such as high-density 
micro-waves, for instance, and can also be physically disruptive & therefore 
dangerous, &/or be marginally deliterious.  The ideal is to 'fine-tune' the 
technology so that this effect is minimalized to the 'recoverable' level from 
the experience.  Again; this would be like making such adjustments which would 
tend to minimalize the deliterious effects of 'weightlessness' on our 
space-exploration craft etc.
The NDR-ER-pathway project is actually joining the esoteric-science of 
'EM-Field of Living-Consciousness Psi-Projection' to establish the 
Data-Port-Connection to the other end of the energetic 
Electro-Mag-Grav-NDR-ER-bridge once established.  The initial-field connection 
actually establishes living individuals initially as the 'bridging/navigational 
mechanism. Remote-viewing research has established the their very bio-organic 
physical-energy-psyche energy matrix maintains a residual transtemporal energy 
connection to the 'past' which can be applified and then projected 
transtemporally/transdimensionally along the Einstein-Rosen pathway.  Natural 
high-sensitive happenstancially located individuals(at the receiving 'past' 
end) of the NDR-ER-bridge with High-Empathic-Quotients tend to be the 
'Receivers' at that 'past' end of the NDR-ER high-energy/focused 
electro-mag-grav bridge.
The 'Psi-Field Projection' team  are a group of highly trained a hand chosen 
hyper-empaths whose remote-viewing talents have been well established & 
developed.  Within what me might be called a 'suped-up' version of a 
'Faraday-Chamber' they create a high-intensity empathic-focus upon the 
physically present 'target-memory-location' of the focus-target-individual 
living person.  Once the NDR-ER transtemporal-transdimensional corridor has 
been formed by 'tapping' through to DarkEnergy AexoTrans-Space access, then the 
High-Amplification Psy-Empathic Field literally tracks the Memory-Resonance 
pathway which is an actual hard-physics transtemporal structure; and now 
profoundly amplified/directed by the NDR-ER electro-mag bridge structure.
Basically 'real-transtemporal-energy-bridges' are hard-transdimensional extant 
artifacts linked to the living-receptor-psyche of every living human.
First contact at the target location is often made back to the very 'past-self' 
of the 'pathway-navigator-target psyche.'
Thus the link is actually made 'electro-physically via psi-empathic-connection' 
to himself; although others in the area to varying degree witness real physical 
effects such transtemporal distortions, and personal physical impact, and 
impact to objects in the immediate environment.  Individuals of 
higher-empathic-quotient in the direct flux-field of the NDR-ER-bridge will 
likely actually receive whatever hard-information is being projected be the 
'operator(s)/navigator(s)' at the NDR-ER base.
Because the NDR-ER bridge is effectually utilizing a high-density 
compressed/focused-Electro-mag-transgravity phenomenon-technology which is 
part-&-parcel to the energy-density-level of Aexo-Trans-Space, this tends to 
make the 'receiver'(s)' end of the NDR-ER quasi-Psi-empathic connection to 
create a somewhat confusing multi-deja-vu/like echo.  Current investigations 
center on the project's discerning whether that 'deja-multi-echo' effect/ 
phenomenon could actually be evidence that several 'convergent-parallel/& 
or/tangential time-lines may be actually conjoining the memories/experience of 
several 'parallel-selves' of the 'pathway-navigator.'  Maybe possibly a 
'reciever' may be actually jumping/swapping places which his own tangential 
time-time 'quasi-parallel' self; even permanently.  This would obviously be an 
excursion into the 'weird.'  But Einstein rightly said, "The extended-cosmos is 
not only 'weirder' than we think, it is weirder than we 'can' think!' 
In other words; the NDR-ER psi-link up might be causing the 'receptor-end' to 
be witnessing quasi-simultaneously more than one variation of 'NOW' which would 
tend to have various empathic-witnesses-receptors think that they were 
seriously 'losing it.'  The physical effects of the receiving end can actually 
also tend to disrupt matter(organic &/or otherwise' as the atomic/molecular 
level.  Obviously this technology has been under developement for longer than 
we are currently able to report; but it is yet in its infancy.  This is 
'remote-viewing/remote-receiving' with a 'howitzer,' so to speak.
Potentially this could actually be used as a 'weapon' at the receiving end due 
to its serious potential to disrupt electro-magnetic fields; people's sanity; & 
or the physical integrity of solid objects &/or living organisms.
Curiously: just such 'bizarre' phenomenon was report by the "3rd Reich" war 
machine during World War II, but whether this actually altered the course &/or 
duration of that war is a tenuous speculation at this point.  But then that is 
exactly the types of 'things' that the project research is out to examine, 
quantify, and perfect; if possible.
But possibly the most profound, yet pervasively subtle, result of our forays 
into the application of such technologies is that our past 'selves' are being 
made 'more' aware of our future-selves existence. And here-in may lie the 
profound potential that there might be in progress within these developing 
technologies that their is happening thereby the very real 'mobius-effect' on 
accelerating the 'speed-rate' of the developement of 'Mankind' into our 
hopefully bright future.  We maynot be 'altering' the course of events; but we 
might be getting their ahead of schedule.  And this may be a very exciting 
'quasi-alteration' indeed!
-Jake Harbach-O'Sullivan

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