as far as i know there are over 20, perhaps over 40 tinselkoala videos
online. jean-louis naudin has also been posting further steorn replication

look up "Orbette" on youtube and you'll find tinselkoala's account.  ok, 30 on orbettes..

has nobody thought that the delay is due to specific third party verifiers
not being able to get into the country.. or that steorn staff have actual,
physical difficulties in getting to waterways due to traffic, bus and

no no, of course not.why bother with anything realistic, the delay is
OBVIOUSLY because mutant android borg hamsters are being wound up by the
rainbow-power of copyright-infringing mary poppins samples. i dunno man..

you either take whatever you come up with, or you read this:

"Unfortunately, several key people are unable to attend this evening's
presentation due to the *unusually severe weather conditions*. As a result,
the company has taken the decision to reschedule tonight's Talk 2."

ask your friends in Dublin how they're faring with the weather. i was there
for 20 months and there was not an inch of snow in sight, let alone minus
zero - yet infrastructure would start malfunctioning at below 10c and they'd
all be sitting around going "brr!".

to be honest, if i was one to really grasp at possible explanations, i'd say
that Sean McCarthy took up cloudbusting and delayed the presentation on
purpose with his cloudbuster device, out of spite and depression due to the
obviously damning (havent seen any TK videos) TinselKoala-videos. Next week
it'll be a hurricane.

either way, the three videos are running

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 7:14 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <> wrote:

> From Terry:
> > Actually, the delay might be the result of TinselKoala's videos on
> youtube.
> I watched one of TinselKoala's videos when it first came out. I seem
> to recall that it came out almost immediately after Orbo's debut out
> at the Waterfront.
> I was not aware that there are now multiple you-tube posts by
> TinselKoala on the Steorn matter. Is that true?
> It would make sense that Steorn might attempt to refute the claims
> made in TinselKoala's demos.  However, it would seem logical for me to
> assume that Steorn has been keeping track of TinselKoala from the
> beginning. Why suddenly delay now?
> What do you speculate that Steorn might be attempting to do?
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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