On 01/20/2010 02:32 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
> All the technical people are flabbergasted by the latest video.  We
> are now convinced that it's all a joke.  The Irish do love a punch
> line and that is just the phrase Sean has used.
> Unfortunately, many people we call "the believers", are now suffering
> from the Dunning-Kruger effect.  Some could go off the deep end and be
> a threat to Steorn when they reveal the hoax, scam or whatever it is.
> Me, I'm done with it.  Too much time wasted.

As I said back in December, I find Steorn sickening.  They prey on
people who trust them, and in the process steal money, time, and trust
from people who need it and could make good use of it.  The world would
be a far better place without their kind in it.

HOWEVER, I find their "motor" rather fascinating, and I'd love to see an
accurate energy balance analysis.  We'll *never* get one from Sean, of
course, who has no interest in clarifying things, IMNSHO, as I may
already have asserted in various ways in previous posts.

As I may also have said before, I think it's screamingly obvious that
Sean and company are con artists and liars, and has been obvious for a
long time, and if Mark Iverson finds that offensive, too bad.  I only
hope Mark hasn't given them any of his money, because he (Mark) is
guilty of absolutely nothing but *trust* which is typically a good
thing, not a bad thing.  (And if anyone feels it's inappropriate to
*warn* people when you see what is obviously a scam in operation, I'd
love to hear a justification for that feeling!)

Oh, and I don't believe there will ever be a "revelation".  The punch
line will forever be delayed, and the results will remain ambiguous.
Sean will continue to go along pretending he's shown things that he
hasn't in an effort to keep the True Believers bringing in cash, and in
an effort to prevent the folks he's burned from realizing it was a scam
and forming a lynch mob.

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