At 04:06 PM 1/21/2010, Jones Beene wrote:
The natural abundance of D in the oceans of Earth of approximately one atom in 6,500 of hydrogen (~154 ppm) or four times lower than Jupiter. What happened to the rest of it, if it was initially the same as Jupiter?

Fascinating question based on an interesting discovery. I have a hypothesis to propose: biological transformation. Vyosotskii has published striking evidence that it happens, specifically with deuterium. As to how, proteins can manage some pretty sophisticated confinement tricks, putting stuff together and holding it together in amazing ways. If low energy nuclear reactions are possible, maybe those bacteria are smarter than we think. They had a lot of time to work it out, and a lot of experiments that they would run until something happened that was useful. It appears that the bacteria studied use the reaction to generate iron that they need for other reasons. The reaction would generate disruptive energy, but one of the bacteria studied was deinococcus radiodurans. The name says it. "Radiation resistant." Amazingly radiation resistant. Why? What value would that confer large enough to make the trait dominate in a population? I can think of several answers. An ability to handle low energy fusion or transmutation would be one of them.

What we have that is basically different from Jupiter is a 20% surface zone that is largely rock and biomass, bathed in solar radiation – plus much lower gravity. If deuterium where to form into dense accumulations preferentially over hydrogen, such that some of it fuses into helium by QM probability, which is enhanced in confined containment (and thus deuterium is removed from water on average) then this dynamic would alter the ratio lower over eons. Given that our atmosphere is not held by gravity as tightly as Jupiter, that should mean that more H than D escapes, so that is a counter mechanism that indicates the fusion rate is even higher.

All in all, this could indicate that quantum fusion of deuterium happens on a slow but massive planetary scale on Earth – and at a rate which is actually predictable, based on the comparative abundance here and on Jupiter, divided by the time lapse and other variables which will probably enter into the picture.

I find it a stretch, compared to the biological hypothesis. But maybe it would work. One would attempt to simulate conditions that might form to do this. Given how persnickety the reaction seems to be, that could be difficult. But remember, it only takes two deuterons at a time, or some transmutation reaction involving a deuteron and another nucleus, so that's all a bacterium has to line up and confine or channel.

There is also another possibility which is the ultra-dense deuterium of Holmlid – which presumably would form in the mantle from sedimentary matter and eventually migrate to the earth’s core- and probably fuse along the way into helium … thus to provide some of the internal heat seen, which is often attributed to uranium. This also explains why some wells drilled for natural gas turn out to be high in helium content. Concentrations of helium in natural gas in New Mexico and Texas are as high as 7%. It is very doubtful that this could be primordial helium. Some could come from radioactive decay, but given the huge quantities, some could be from pycno-fusion.


Wasn't this more or less Steven Jones' idea (or an idea he picked up)? But source could just as well be biological; natural gas forming from decay of material that may have included fusion-enabled bacteria or other biological structures that could pull off the trick. That would also explain the coincidence of natural gas (or oil, if that's the case) and helium.

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