On 01/24/2010 02:10 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen A. Lawrence 
>> What's magical about the Orbo which would cause this to cool the
> surrounding air ...
> That question might assume that they are honest, which is far from certain.

That was not my assumption.  Rather, I assumed you (or Michel) had
something in mind when you proposed that the Orbo might be cooling the
air via a magnetocaloric effect.  The question was, if you think that,
what do you think it might be?

As far as I can see there is nothing in Orbo which relates to
magnetocaloric cooling and no mechanism at all by which it could be
cooling the air.  Yet you proposed nagnetocaloric cooling as relating to
Orbo.  Hence, the question.

> As for the claim of OU heating from an electric motor - which has been
> around for years - google "Szabo EBM". Here is a video which makes a clearer
> claim for OU than anything coming from Steorn, yet AFIK they have not been
> successful:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6MDHF39XmU
> A standard heat pump gives a much better conversion of electricity into
> heat.
> Jones

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