On 01/25/2010 12:23 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:
> Big splashy advert screens are being displayed at steorn.com
> Sounds like they intend to deliver the final "punch line" this coming
> Saturday, Jan 30
> we shall see...

For the record, here are my predictions regarding the likely outcomes:

-- They burn out a wheel bearing and cancel the demo, like ol' Tilly
(substitute appropriate part for "wheel bearing"), and like Sean did a
couple years back.

-- They do another demo of a motor using an external power source
(battery, or other similar device) and then, through calculations and
measurements, claim to have shown overunity.  Others dispute the
calculations, measurements, and claim.  This is, of course, the most
popular approach by perpetual motion machine salesmen.

-- They demo a part of a motor -- a coil, say -- and take certain
measurements which they claim prove that it's over unity in some way.
They're selling knowledge, not devices, so this seems like a good

-- They come up with something I haven't thought of, which none the less
leaves the situation ambiguous, with honest skeptics unconvinced.
(Pathological skeptics will never be convinced, of course.)

And a very UNlikely outcome:

-- They demonstrate what they claim is a self runner but don't let
anyone inspect it carefully enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt
that it's for real.  Steorn has never pulled stunts like this in the
past, and I don't expect them to start now.  (As far as I know every
device they have ever demonstrated in public has been "real" -- only
their claims are dubious.)

What we absolutely will *not* see:

-- A true self-runner, which convinces all but the most pathological of
skeptics.  Will not happen -- not from Steorn.  Not now, not ever.
This includes motors with no external power supply, and motors driven by
capacitors (which are shown conclusively to remain charged during the
run) instead of batteries.

> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

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