>From Mr. Lawrence

> Either it has been putting out 3:1 or it hasn't.
> If it has, why can't they demo 3:1, or rather 2:1
> mechanical:electrical?  (Knock off 100% for the
> amount of input power converted to heat.)  Have
> they forgotten how they used to do it?  ;-)

Someone can correct me if I error on the following interpretation but
it's my recollection that Sean stated something to the effect that the
configuration currently on demo at the Waterfront has allegedly only
been measured to generate a modest OU of 1.2.

I believe these other OU claims Sean has inferred, some allegedly up
to 3:1, were measured from different experimental devices not
currently being demonstrated to the public. I seem to recall Sean
saying something to the effect that these other Orbo devices are more
complicated, and as such, their added complexity would have made them
unsuitable for the quick slam-and-dunk dog-and-pony show they wished
to demonstrate to the public.

> If it hasn't been putting out 3:1 then Sean's a liar.

I think that may depend on which device Sean was referring to.

> Why does anyone still believe in these people?

X-Files: "I want to believe!"

Meanwhile, Mongo just whispered something in my ear: "Light bulb!"

Steven Vincent Johnson

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