I agree with this guy Bolen that many Wikipedia articles are anti-intellectual, but filing suits against Wikipeida is WAY over the line. That is not how to respond! Just ignore it. Don't mess with free speech.

In a few cases vandals at Wikipedia defamed people. I think they have put in place mechanisms to prevent that from happening now. The comments in the Wikipedia cold fusion talk section have insulted me from time to time, mainly with accusations that I am violating copyright laws. This does not warrant a lawsuit. It does not rise to the level of defamation, in my opinion. It is just silly.

This article by Bolen discusses William Connolley, who is one of the leading opponents of cold fusion. In recent weeks he and the other extremists have tossed out Pierre Carbonnelle -- permanently this time. Then they permanently tossed out someone names GoRight who had the temerity to discuss Carbonnelle's case. Then one of them posted a masterpiece of confusion and fallacies such as red herring, guilt by association, ad hominem, and circumstantial ad hominem:


These people are extremists but so are the editors of the Scientific American, the Executive Director of the AIP and many others. Filing lawsuits would not improve this situation even if it were not a violation of free speech.

It is funny that these people imagine they have a neutral point of view! I do not labor under any such illusion, but I also don't go around censoring and tossing people off of LENR-CANR because I disagree with them. On the contrary, I am trying to get more contributions from the arch-skeptical enemies of cold fusion.

By the way, I do not think that the people at Wikipedia are violating Carbonnelle's right to free speech, or mine, for that matter. Wikipedia is a private organization run by a gang of fruitcakes. They can say anything they like. They can set any membership requirements they like, and accept or reject any member of the public. They don't have to have a reason. They have censored all references to LENR-CANR, which is fine with me. They would only be violating my free speech if they made efforts to shut down LENR-CANR, for example with a cyber-attack or a lawsuit.

In my opinion, the Wikipedia people are hypocritical and they violate their own rules about things like neutrality, objectivity and civility. Any number of other people and organizations are guilty of this. It is not a legal matter. It is human nature.

- Jed

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