At 12:08 PM 2/5/2010, Terry Blanton wrote:
Yes.  While it's only one man's opinion, it DID get printed.  Looks
like the globe is warming to cold fusion.  ;-)

In a sense, it shows that. But this is about a fringe theory, actually. It's an obvious possibility, that CF is MCF, perhaps the conditions in the metal deuteride somehow cause muons to catalyze more reactions than expected before being captured. But my sense is that this has been examined and rejected. Still, that *any* CF theory is being printed is a good sign. In any case, it would be relatively easy to test, just bombard an active deuteride sample with muons. Does the evolved heat increase significantly? If so, that could be a win. Alternatively, shield an active cell heavily, to stop the cosmic ray muons, like do the experiment in a mine. I believe this has been done. Did the excess heat decline?

How easy is it to shield from cosmic ray muons? Would I see a reduction in reaction rate (inferred from neutrons) if I put one of my cells in some practically-sized shielding?

Well, I have to test the cells first under normal conditions. Not there quite yet. Soon, I hope.

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