In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Mon, 01 Feb 2010 15:44:23 -0500:
>This was not an MeV/He-4 chart, actually, and it was not, contrary to 
>Krivit's assertions, used to "prove" the 24 MeV correlation. What the 
>paper was asserting was that there was a correlation between excess 
>heat and He-4, and this was merely recent (in 2004) confirmation of it.
BTW 24 MeV is not necessarily a sign of DD fusion to He4. In that reaction two
D's fuse to create He4, releasing 23.8 MeV, so the energy release is about 6 MeV
/ nucleon. However that is typical of almost all fusion reactions because the
binding energy of most nuclei is on the order of 6 MeV / nucleon. Hence almost
any fusion reaction involving D will release about 10-12 MeV / D.


Robin van Spaandonk

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