Am I daft?  Why is he cc Jones?  Because he challenged Steve?

SJ is deep end challenged, IMO.


On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:
> I wrote:
>> If someone like Britz or Prof. Dylla of the AIP were to come out and
>> declare unequivocally and publicly they think cold fusion is real, they
>> would land in a world of trouble. They know that!
> To be fair to Britz, he has also at times defended the reputations of
> researchers, if not their results. He has distanced himself from the extreme
> tactics of his fellow skeptics. The attached letter from Miles to Britz
> describes one such incident.
> I do not recall that he has engaged in ad hominem attacks, except when he
> attacked me and a few Japanese researchers. I am not likely to forget that!
> Since he is a political animal, I suspect this is more a case of prudence or
> cowardliness than ethics. He and the other skeptics are usually happy to
> kick anyone in the teeth so long as that person is unable to kick back.
> By the way, the postscript in this letter is addressed to me.
> - Jed
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> December 18, 1996
> Dr. Dieter Britz
> Kemisk Institut
> Aarhus Universtet
> Langelandsgade 140
> 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
> Dear Dr. Britz:
> Thank you for your letter of 12 December 1996 and your support of scientific
> fairness with respect to my response to the Jones and Hansen paper
> criticizing my cold fusion publications. I understand your position as a
> skeptic on this issue and have no problem with that fact. Nevertheless, my
> experimental measurements convince me that anomalous effects occur in
> deuterated palladium. I will mail you a copy of my final report and recent
> papers that I submitted to ICCF-6 so that you can judge this experimental
> evidence yourself. I will also send you copies of letters that I have on
> file regarding my request to publish a rebuttal back-to-back in the same
> issue of J. Phys. Chem. as is their stated custom. Steve Jones, however, did
> not want to delay his publication. Neither Steve Jones nor Dr. El-Sayed can
> produce any formal letter that shows that I was officially informed of the
> publication criticizing my work. I challenged Steve Jones to publish his
> e-mail allegations regarding my work because I expected to be informed and
> to be allowed to write a rebuttal. This never happened.
> I can document the following sequences of events: Dr. Kendall Johnson, a
> post-doe, visited BYU on 3 January 1995 and was given an early version of
> the paper in question. Dr. Johnson was not involved with any publications
> involved in this debate and was not an appropriate person to be given this
> paper. He later showed this paper to me, but he did not know what stage this
> paper was in or to which journal it would be submitted. Furthermore, I had
> to leave on travel for meetings and other assignments in Washington, D.C.,
> and I did not return until the end of January. I was expecting to receive
> the final manuscript and to be informed of the journal involved before
> writing my response. I never heard another word about this manuscript until
> Dr. Morrison was handing out copies of page-proofs of this paper at the
> ICCF-5 conference in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The rest of the story is found in
> my letters requesting a delay in publication to permit my back-to-back
> response in the same journal. This was denied. I later submitted a detailed
> response to J. Phys. Chem., but this response was rejected by the editor and
> reviewers that were selected. Based on the reviewer's comments, none of the
> reviewers that I proposed were selected. Unfortunately, it is difficult to
> find unbiased reviewers for either side of this controversy.
> I remain convinced of my experimental results and that I can easily respond
> to nearly all criticisms of my work.
> Sincerely,
> Dr. Melvin H. Miles
> P. S. Please post this letter on e-mail if you feel that it would be
> informative to others regarding this matter.
> copies:
> Dr. El-Sayed, Editor, J. Phys. Chem.
> Professor Steve Jones. BYU

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