On Feb 9, 2010, at 2:09 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

Hi Horace, sorry for the late response, my comments below.

2010/2/7 Horace Heffner <hheff...@mtaonline.net>:

On Feb 7, 2010, at 4:42 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

2010/2/7 Horace Heffner <hheff...@mtaonline.net>:

Two things to consider: (1) reversing the current *does* "dissolve" the

True, but extremely slowly I believe. A Pd anode is known to dissolve
relatively fast in acidic electrolytes such as D2SO4, but I don't
think that's what they used. It is doubtful whether they reverted the
current long enough to dissolve more than a few atomic layers.

I think the experimenters were competent. They knew what they were doing.

Using a Faraday constant of 96,485 C/mol, and (conservatively) a valence of 4, n for moles produced, I for current = .2 A, t for time = 1 s, we get:

  n = I * t / (96,485 C/mol * 4)

  n = (0.2 A)*(1 sec) / (385940 C/mol) = 5.182x10^-7 mol

This means that at 200 mA/cm^2, 5.182x10^-7 mol/s is removed, or 3.12x10^17
atoms per second.

We also have for Pd: (12.38 g/cm^3)/(106.42 g/mol) = 0.1163 mol/ cm^3 = 7.006x10^22 atoms/cm^3. The atomic volume is 1.427x10^-23 cm^3, and the atomic dimension is 2.426x10^-8 cm. The amount of Pd removed per second is (3.12x10^17 atoms per second) * (1.427x10^-23 cm^3 per atom) = 4.45x10^-6 cm/s, or 445 angstroms per second. The number of layers of atoms removed is
(4.45x10^-6 cm/s)/(2.426x10^-8 cm) = 183/s.

If this is correct (highly suspect! 8^), then at a current density of 200
mA/cm^2 we have a thickness of 183 atoms removed per second, or 445
angstroms per second.

This would be correct if palladium, when driven as an anode, did
dissolve in an alkaline electrolyte (they classically used LiOD in
that M4 experiment, according to their original report at
http://newenergytimes.com/v2/archives/1998epri/TR-107843-V1.PDF ,
thanks to Steve Krivit for the link), which it doesn't, see the Pd/H2O
Pourbaix diagram at
http://www.platinummetalsreview.com/jmpgm/data/datasheet.do? record=532&database=cesdatabase which shows that such corrosion only occurs in an acidic electrolyte (pH <3).

It has been pointed out to me privately that hydrogen charge transport has to be accounted for as well, i.e. that hydrogen evolution reduces the effective "corrosion" current. However, since the reversed current cleaning process was carried out in part to degass the Pd, I expect the hydrogen contribution to the positive surface charge of the Pd anode would be extremely diminished in the latter part of this cleaning process.

Well, this is indeed an interesting electrochemical problem. My experience is that nothing, including platinum, totally avoids anodic corrosion if there is a current present. Passification works in part by eliminating the current at the potential at which the passivation is occurring, or less, i.e. by building an insulating layer. I do not think passification of *highly loaded* Pd is possible. The evolving hydrogen would prevent accumulated oxidation of the Pd surface. I have done various passivation experiments (not with Pd though) and my experience has been that passification takes considerable time, even for metals that are not loaded with hydrogen, and once it does occur, the current is highly reduced. Further, if a constant current source is used then the voltage rises to the point where the passified surface is breached.

Beyond that, and this is a fairly irrelevant point I know, I think Pd corrodes as an anode in the presence of current in neutral Ph salt electrolytes.

The EPRI article states: "They accomplished loading with a combination of initial low cathode current densities of ~20-50 mA/ cm2, followed by current ramps up to ~1.0 A/cm2. Current reversals to deload or “strip” the cathodes of D and clean the surface by temporarily making it an anode resulted in high loadings."

It seems to me the Pd would be dissolving during the deloading process when the current is reversed. Also, apparently my estimate of 200 mA/cm^2 was too low - it was probably 1 A/cm^2.

It would be interesting to actually do an experiment with Pd wire, loading and then reversing the current repeatedly for a long period and then weighing the wire.

It seems to me the experimenters would not have gone thorough this procedure if the current reversal did not actually clean the electrode surface, i.e. expose a pure Pd surface. A fully passified surface would not be effective at loading hydrogen as a cathode because it would not even be conductive. If pure Pd was exposed to the electrolyte as an anode it seems to me certain that Pd was being dissolved in the process.

One thing I take to be self evident to anyone who has practical experience with electrochemistry experiments. If you have current through an anode then *some* of that anode is going into solution, and that includes platinum. I think that is far more true with metals like Pd or Ni.

What I find interesting is the lack of comment about what this implies. If the effective fusion zone was indeed fully dissolved by the current reversal then the energy produced was *way over* that which would be expected by D + D --> 4He + 24 MeV.

And this is exactly what must be expected if heavy element LENR is occurring. The average energy produced per deuterium atom consumed should well over 10 MeV. See (warning this is a 2 MB report) "Report A - Energetically Feasible Aneutronic X + n D* --> Y + Z Reactions, n = 1 to 12 - Creating Stable Isotopes Y and Z With No Weak Reactions", pages 404-438, located at:


For a shorter report showing the energy released *just in forming compound nuclei with Pd*, in the process of cluster fusion, see:


The above report was created based on and in a format to be compatible with that used by Ed Storms and Brian Scanlan in: Storms, E and Scanlan, B 2010, “What is real about cold fusion and what explanations are plausible”, To be published by AIP:

which has the important information regarding heavy element LENR in Pd.

Now, most important, note that any reactions that are not *nuclear catalytic*, i.e which do not create helium from fission of the compound nucleus, *do not create helium atoms*. Therefore all the energy produced per D atom consumed can not be reflected in the helium atom count. If the energy produced by D + D --> 4He is fixed, then the energy created by heavy element transmutation must add to the energy per helium atom. The observed energy must be larger than 24 MeV/4He, and depending on the overall experiment environment, i.e. the tendency to create heavy element LENR vs fusion, it could be much larger.

What is of further interest, and this to me is miraculous, is the fact that radioactive nuclei do not typically result, despite the fact that many of the initial compound nuclei are necessarily radioactive, and many have radioactive daughter products. This, to me, rules out explanations that merely involve neutron exchanges, or resonant tunneling of deuterons. I think this necessitates electrons in the compound nucleus that prolong the reactions, and produce an initially highly de-energized nucleus, in particular as shown (approximately) on page two of:


I should also note that the EPRI article demonstrates the sparseness and low certainty of data regarding energy/4He ratios. Due to the cost and complexity of helium measurement experiments, the number of experiments is few, and due to repeatability problems as well, no highly reliable energy/4He number is available in my opinion. The "RESULTS OBTAINED" section merely states that "Taking these results at face value, the excess heat and He formation are apparently connected, via a multiplier of several tens of MeV/He." "While not definitive due to high background levels, the data obtained in experiment M4 are consistent with a quantitative, but temporally displace correlation between excess heat and helium-4 production." This is characteristic of the helium measurement problem. Quantities in large excess of background are required, because confidence intervals grow very large when counts are near background levels.

Speaking of that, it would be nice to know if the brackets shown in the Violante graphics represent 3 sigma or one sigma confidence intervals on the helium measurements.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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