This is off topic but it is related to technology, and to the latest bruouhaha in the news. People have called into question the report made by James Sikes that his Prius went out of control for several miles. In the interest of disseminating technically accurate information, here is a comment I made about that elsewhere:

Sikes does seem suspicious but it is much too early to brand him a con artist. I drive a Prius, but I am sorry to say there are credible reports of the Prius running out of control. Most notably, Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple Computer, reported that his Prius went out of control. However, the incident was nothing like what Sikes reported. Quote:

"Wozniak said he was surprised several months ago when his 2010 Toyota Prius started accelerating on its own -- to as much as 97 mph -- when he used cruise control to increase the vehicle's speed. He said he had to tap the brakes to stop the car from accelerating."

Wozniak is a superb engineer and one the most honest and decent people in public life. I have no doubt he is telling the truth.

- Jed

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