Title: "Why Wikipedia Should Be Trusted As A Breaking News Source"

Begins with:

"Most any journalism professor, upon mention of Wikipedia, will
immediately launch into a rant about how the massively collaborative
online encyclopedia can't be trusted. It can, you see, be edited and
altered by absolutely anyone at any moment."

But how much less trustworthy is the site for breaking news than the
plethora of blogs and other online news sources?"




The commentary concerning how the Mumbai Terror Attacks was interesting:

"...by the end of the first day of the Wikipedia article's life, it
had been edited more than 360 times, by 70 different editors referring
to 28 separate sources from news outlets around the web. While this
could seem like a situation rife for misdirection and misinformation,
the constant discussion swirling around the creation of an article,
Pantages explained, is "really similar to what you would think should
be in a newsroom." Nonetheless, we still disparage Wikipedia as an
untrusted source of news."

I get the feeling the same mechanisms didn't work as well in regards
to the WIKI Cold Fusion article. Apples versus oranges? ...Or are they
really the same thing??? But if both really are apples, why did it not
work for CF but apparently did work for reporting on the Mumbai Terror

As always, there is a comments section at the end of the article where
you can add your two cents.

Mr. Lomax, try to keep your comments down to a page length! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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