On 06/01/2010 04:47 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
> Jed sez:
>> See:
>> http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/06/01/central.america.storm.deaths/
>> This is mind-blowing. I do not see how such a giant hole could form with 
>> this shape:
>> a giant, deep, round shaft, big enough to swallow up a 3-story building.
> When I first saw the image on CNN.com yesterday, I was waiting for them to
> make a retraction. I thought it might have been something over from the
> film: 2012.
> It's so perfectly round, and huge! I was convinced it had to have been
> photoshoped.

And the bottom is just featureless black, as though it opens into the void.

But the ground level view in photo #2 does indeed match the aerial view,
though it takes a bit of staring to see how the bits and pieces line
up.  And the ground level view looks pretty real.

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