In reply to  OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson's message of Tue, 31 Aug 2010
19:55:30 -0500:
>IMO, at some point as automation continues taking over most of the dredge
>work we may eventually have to transform our entire economic infrastructure
>into a highly sophisticated computerized welfare state. IOW, everyone gets
>(is entitled to...) a minimum "allowance" that guarantees that everyone can
>purchase all the basic necessities of life, like food, clothing, shelter,
>transportation, and perhaps even a little pocket change for an occasional

This is more or less the definition of socialism. For those who are fond of the
capitalistic approach, the solution is to make everyone a shareholder, so that
income is distributed as dividends as well as wages. That way no one complains
when fewer people need be employed (&/or fewer hours worked), because dividends
go up commensurately.

In fact the "ideal" solution might be a single giant corporation that owns and
operates everything, and in turn is owned by all people (with shares that can't
be sold). Then profits (and dividends) increase as the business is run more
efficiently, resulting in everyone having a vested interest in seeing that it
runs efficiently and requires as little labor as possible.

That in turn means that production is maximized while effort is minimized.
Therefore this model is flexible enough to allow a transition to a completely
automated manufacturing process.

Note: When a person's share income starts to drop they have to work more to
compensate, and that extra work in turn pushes the dividends back up again, so
this mechanism ensures that the minimum amount of work required to meet peoples
expectations is carried out.

Of course there will be those who do no work, and are content to subsist on the
share income alone which may not be considered fair by those who do work. This
is more or less the economic equivalent of a minimum wage, which we already


Robin van Spaandonk

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