Terry, thanks for the link and your earlier threads circa 2005 but I had to
go to PESN for the theory of operation

http://pesn.com/2005/06/26/9600116_Naudin_MAHG/ . I learned the Naudin
device agrees with my premise of oscillating between H2 and H1 without using
up the hydrogen but he seems to concentrate on a pulsed frequency to amplify
the phenomena where I would have expected him to concentrate on increasing
the surface area of the catalyst or even heating raw tungsten powder to
circulate the hydrogen through. I believe that Mills and Chavra have a
better handle on what is happening to the orbital states of hydrogen in a
catalytic/Casimir environment. It is the hydrino/fractional hydrogen state
that is absorbing energy from a permanent natural property of the catalyst
while it is the covalent bond that is acting as the rectifier. When the
fractional H2 tries to move to a different fractional value due to relative
motion with the changing geometry of the cavity/catalyst the covalent bond
opposes this motion reducing the energy needed to disassociate the molecule
- When the opposition accumulates enough you can disassociate a molecule for
less energy then the molecule releases when it reforms! This isn't in
violation of COE but rather an exception to the rule that you can't rectify
the normally chaotic energy responsible for random gas motion (HUP). The
covalent bond effectively accumulates these energies because in a fractional
state caused by local geometry it opposes further change in geometry. 

  I think Naudin was close but should have concentrated more on increasing
surface area of catalyst and heat sinking. I heard his name kicked around
previously and never realized how close this particular device was to my own
theory. Once more I appear to be a Johnny come lately. My concern for his
implementation is a burn out of the tungsten catalyst. Like the Rayney
Nickel of BLP I believe a runaway H2<>H1 oscillation will melt down any
Casimir geometry and the plastic metal will simply grow whiskers to satisfy
the force (shorting the paralell plates). If I had his rig I would fill it
with tungsten powder and heat sinking veins and then bring up the temp to
near disassociation while circulating a mix of hydrogen and helium that I
could control to slowly elevate the amount of hydrogen. My premise is that
at some point you could start backing off the current to the tungsten heater
while increasing the hydrogen percentage and it would remain heated.




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