Hi All,      9-20-10

I curious what you think of the enclosed below.

Jack Smith


Leroy Ellenberger <c.le...@rocketmail.com> wrote on

``Subject: [velikov] The Mechanics of Catastrophe:
Greenland & Antarctica

There is little doubt that the polar ice is melting. There
is however, considerable room for debate about why. The
conventional view that the whole earth is getting warmer
because of a supposed "greenhouse effect" from a build-up
of CO2 in the atmosphere from combustion of fossil fuels
is not really supported by the evidence. Neither is the
usual dismissal of the warming trend as only another stage
in a long-term natural cycle caused by variation in the
output of solar energy.

The warming of the poles is clearly of human origin,
but is also clearly NOT caused by any "greenhouse effect"
from burning of coal and oil.  What I think it is, is the
widespread use of nuclear power.

The reprocessing of nuclear reactor fuel rods releases
a radioactive gas, Kr85, into the atmosphere. This gas
goes up to higher levels, so it is considered harmless
to life at the surface. No effort is therefore made to
contain it. As a radiuoactive gas, it consists of charged

When charged particles enter the field of a magnet, they
migrate to the poles. Since the earth is a giant bar
magnet, the Kr85 tends to collect at the poles. There,
at high altitudes, it interacts with the natural high
charge at that altitude, resulting in a net increase in
charge of the poles.

Strong tropical storms, including those that become
strong enough to be classed as huricanes, form near
the equator. These storm systems are highly charged
systems. How far they travel toward the poles depends
on two factors: the strength of the charge of the storm,
and that of the pole that is attracting them poleward.

As charge builds up at the poles, these tropical storms
are being attracted farther and farther towartd the poles,
bringing tropical heat with them. This transport of heat
from the tropics toward the poles is warming up the polar
regions and giving the illusion that the entire earth is
getting warmer ...

Anyone interested in further and more detailed
discussion of this hypothesis and relatedideas
is invited to join the Orgonomic Ecology List at

On Sun, 9/19/10, Leroy Ellenberger <c.le...@rocketmail.com>

``The September 30th issue of ROLLING STONE magazine
(cover photo of Roger Waters) runs a very detailed and
informative article by Ben Wallace-Wells whose cover
extolls: "Vanishing Ice Sheets: Global Warming's Ticking
Time Bomb":

ON THE ICE: The world's two great ice sheets are melting
faster than anyone believed possible

THE MECHANICS OF CATASTROPHE: Scientists suspect that the
world's glaciers are held in place by huge ice shelves,
which act like corks in a champagne bottle. As the shelves
crash into the sea, the glaciers behind them are sliding
out into the ocean at an alarming rate

THE NEW SCIENCE indicates that melting glaciers could turn
153 million people into refugees. "Nature is resolving
some of these arguments for us," says one geoscientist.

Something had changed: Fish that favor warmer waters began
appearing in unprecedented numbers off Greenland.

The article starts on p. 60 and runs for eleven pages. I
could not find a URL to an on-line version.''

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