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To answer the headline, no of course not. Physical books will not "be gone"
in 5 years, but there may be fewer of them distributed than e-books. At, e-books are already outselling hardback books. They will not
disappear in developed countries because the size, resolution and contrast
of e-book readers is still inferior to paper books, and probably still will
be in 5 years. Also because people are conservative and tend to stick with
an obsolete technology if they can afford to. That is why wealthy people
were still using horses and carriages well into the 20th century, when they
might have used automobiles. That is why some older scientists still look
down on Internet publication, and insist that real scientific papers must be
published on paper.

In the long term, 20 or 30 years, paper books will almost disappear, except
for specialty markets such as children's books.

- Jed

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