

> The video is pretty good considering that it was done
> with no money and no help. It is a fine job I believe.
> Lane is a quick study and I am learning more.  In the
> end it does not matter because cold fusion has died
> with the cancellation of the ACS meeting.
> Why sweat the details, no one is watching any more.

Lane does seem to be a quick study. His satirical sense of humor can
be entertaining. The videos are educational. At least, I learned a few
things I didn't know before, particularly in regards to the Podkletnov

With that said I don't understand your attitude - what strikes me as
apparent apathy in not wanting to put much effort into correcting (or
at least letting your audience know) the fact that you know there
exist a few errors in the You Tube videos. It's not that big of a
deal. Nor would it be that difficult to "fix". The "fix" also doesn't
have to involve Lane. For example at your website list all the You
Tube links in the correct order that the videos should be watched in.
Then, next to any specific link where "errors" have been detected, you
can then add a brief personal Errata statement, a personal comment or

Don't you think it's important to let your viewers, your audience,
know that you are aware of the fact that a few minor discrepancies
and/or contradictions might exist. Keep in mind that many of your
viewers are technically competent viewers. They expect to view
technically accurate information. By placing a brief errata out at
your web site you at last let everyone know, your viewers know that
you are aware of these errors, but that despite these errors you
believe the information as revealed, and when taken in its entirety,
is still valid.

If you say nothing, how do you expect your viewers to assess the
quality of these You Tub videos, especially when you apparently don't
seem to care what they are viewing.

Said differently, you are passively handing "power" over to someone
else who now has the "power" to change public opinion in regards to
your standing - particularly whether your theory should be worthy of
being seriously considered. Not a wise decision, IMHO.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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