I have been monitoring Google activity at LENR-CANR using the Webmaster Tools for over a month. You can read about these Tools here:


Supposedly these Tools can increase traffic to your site, but I do not see how. Anyway . . .

An ISP utility tells me that 18% of all visits to LENR-CANR.org come from search engine queries. Google dominates the search engines, at 86%. So, the Google Webmaster stats cover roughly 15% of total visits.

In the past 30 days, people have displayed LENR-CANR links while doing Google searches 301,000 times, and clicked through to LENR-CANR 5,400 times. That's 180 visits per day. Other utilities show ~680 visits/day so that's 26% of all visits, a bit more than the ISP utility estimate of 15%. What constitutes a single "visit" to a website can be difficult to define, and varies from one utility program to another.

3,955 search terms have been used to find LENR-CANR.org. Most of the top 30 popular ones are what you would expect: things like "LENR" "CR-39" and "cold fusion."

If I read the statistics right, 3600 people used Google to look for the search term "cold fusion" in the last 30 days, and of that number 36 people or ~1% clicked through to LENR-CANR.org. 2% of searches for the Japanese word for "cold fusion" (jyouon-kakuyougou) ended up at LENR-CANR.org. 1600 people look for the term LENR, and 260 of them (16%) clicked through to LENR-CANR.org.

Combined search terms such as "LENR cold fusion" are listed separately. 11% of people looking for that clicked through.

As I said, LENR-CANR was displayed 301,000 times, and people clicked on it roughly 2% of the time.

- Jed

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