>From Jones:




> In a nutshell, small changes in internal stress as it

> relates to compressive strain could provide continuous

> heating due to quantum fluctuations which are a well-known

> feature of these cavities. When the medium is fermion-like,

> it releases energy, but when it is boson-like it absorbs

> "negative" energy in 6.8 eV quanta.



My grasp of the nitty-gritty physics involved is tenuous at best. (Anything
that involves a mathematical power greater than "^2" tends to give me, as
well as my computer simulations, conniptions!) Nevertheless, I acknowledge
the fact that powers greater than "^2" DO exist, and that they effectively
predict the behavior of physics. I also understand what is implied by taking
advantage of a theorized "asymmetry" alleged to be discretely hiding within
the system - just waiting to be exploited.


Introducing a temporary deviation, this kind of research reminds me of...


In my own Finite Element Method Magnetic computer simulation studies one of
the personal tenants that was finally driven home to me was the apparent
fact that static forces, no matter how powerful those forces might be
measured to exist at, do not in themselves allow for the extraction of
exploitable excess energy. I was never able to discover anything close to an
"asymmetry." People keep trying finesse an "asymmetry" out into the open...
I've tried for years as well... but to no avail.


I gather there has occasionally been intriguing speculation focusing on the
possibility that if we were to acquire a better understanding of how
magnetic viscosity operates within certain magnetic materials we might be
able to exploit the theoretical existence of an obscure little understood
asymmetry through clever constructions of purely mechanical / cyclical
systems. It's conceivable that those crazy Dublin guys employed at Steorn
might actually be following up on this line of research (along with many
other lines of research), but who really knows. To the best of my knowledge
no one has yet been able to prove that an asymmetry hides within the folds
of magnetic viscosity. From what I have read up on, (and, granted, what I've
read is probably limited) magnetic viscosity seems to operate mostly like a
time delayed damper field. It's like friction - a delayed reaction. I have
not been able to perceive where an "asymmetry" could possibly exist let
alone be finessed out of such "viscosity" characteristics. But that's just
my current opinion on the matter. I suspect a major reason PM research in
this area remains undeveloped is the fact that I doubt there exists
competently designed simulation software that reliably "models" all the
subtle nuances that might be associated with magnetic viscosity. Keep in
mind some of these viscotic-like effects happen very fast! You can't
simulate a reliable time-line based models if the phenomenon attributed to
viscosity is itself not well-understood, let alone incorporated into the
software. Incidentally, years ago I recall seeing an obscure but intriguing
You-Tube video of someone attempting to spin a 1 to 2 inch permanent magnet
between a series of asymmetrically assembled ferrite bars or disks. At one
point the PM started to speed up all on its own. It spun erratically fast
before finally petering out several seconds later. There was something
definitely odd about the behavior of this magnet... something highly
unusual. I wish I had been able to save the short clip. BTW, I'm NOT
referring to the work of the individual named Nicoli Telsla's (aka spelled


* * *


But now, getting back to speculations on Casimir heating or cooling effects,
how much evidence exists that might allow us to speculate on the proposed
validity that the materials involved, which are being heated up and cooled,
are capable of switching back-and-forth between boson-like and fermion-like
states? I could see how an asymmetry might be introduced into the system -
IF such transitions DO occur. 


But DO they? Better yet, CAN they?



Steven Vincent Johnson



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