                I was referring to HUP supplying gas atoms with motion to the 
same results as you imply for  "Zitterbewegung". What is the difference between 
"Zitterbewegung" and HUP as applied to gas law? I believe gas law is a macro 
example of ZPE based on HUP but am totally open to calling it "Zitterbewegung". 
As for the M.O. I believe the fractional hydrogen molecules, and even more so 
clusters, can carry inertia based on their mass into areas of different Casimir 
geometry in opposition to the "HUP" or "Zitterbewegung" driving their spatial 
displacement that effects a discount on disassociating said molecules. From the 
perspective of a PD membrane I think covalent bonds may oppose translation to 
different fractional states while hydrogen atoms do not. That is to say they 
oppose translation from which ever fractional or whole state at which they 
formed a molecule to a different whole or fractional state making it easier to 
disassociate the stressed molecule. If it is nature that is applying the stress 
due to Casimir geometry it is essentially free energy (not OU).

[snip]In 1947 Willis Lamb carried out an experiment using microwaves to 
stimulate RF transitions between orbital levels of hydrogen. There was a tiny 
anomaly, and the energy difference found was a rise of about 1 GHz for one 
orbital compared to the other. This energy is supplied (or detracted) by the 
quantum vacuum, but there is "normally" no net gain or loss. That changes in a 

The above is why I remain a fence sitter on the Model-Haisch patent in that I 
believe they need to create an asymmetry similar to the change in bond state 
used by Moller in the MAHG and a control system to get the h1 deep into 
fractional states then let it form molecules which nature will oppose escaping 
and allow us to rectify "HUP" or "Zitterbewegung" whenever it pushes the 
molecule toward escape and discounts the energy needed to disassociate. If we 
can disassociate the molecule for less than the release when the fractional 
atoms re-form a molecule at the new fractional value we have thermal runaway. 
The asymmetry is simply that the cavity allows free translation of gas atoms 
but opposes translation of molecules.

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:20 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:More on Ni-H LENR


The problem with verbalizing energy translation in Casimir cavities - is in 
going from "relativistic effects" to the basic heat anomaly itself (if and when 
there is an anomaly).

IOW there is a M.O. for doing this, but you may be dropping one important 
detail - at least in the terminology, and I'm pretty sure we have talked about 
this before. As a poor speller myself, I can understand the problem.

"Zitterbewegung" is the key detail that IMHO needs to be included to fill-out 
the explanation, along with the Lamb shift, when one wants to explain how a 
Casimir cavity can utilize "relativistic effects" for gain. This does not 
require a broad frequency range and it does not require specifying how time 
dilation operates. Below is from an old post.

In 1947 Willis Lamb carried out an experiment using microwaves to stimulate RF 
transitions between orbital levels of hydrogen. There was a tiny anomaly, and 
the energy difference found was a rise of about 1 GHz for one orbital compared 
to the other. This energy is supplied (or detracted) by the quantum vacuum, but 
there is "normally" no net gain or loss. That changes in a cavity.

This particular difference is an asymmetrical looping effect of QED - quantum 
electrodynamics, and can be interpreted as the influence of virtual photons 
from the ZPE which have been emitted and re-absorbed by the atom. In QED the 
electromagnetic field is quantized but its lowest state is NOT zero. Thus, 
there exist small zero-point oscillations that cause electrons to execute rapid 
oscillatory motions known by the lovely German word: zitterbewegung; but 
normally these vibrations reach thermal equilibrium in an ambient range near 
300 Kelvin - and are vibrating in the terahertz range, all of which is 
conservative, but ...

The value of the Lamb shift has a tiny mass-energy equivalent, which is about 
4^-6 eV = 1 GHz = 4^-23 joules (correct me if I got this wrong) which is not 
much to get excited about unless you can do it rapidly ... but if your Casimir 
cavity is an oscillator in the 10s of terahertz (slightly higher than ambient - 
i.e. the 'trigger') then the gain can (arguably) be made additive and 
sequential: well, that would be the underlying hypothesis for the Haisch/Moddel 
claim, as applicable to Arata/Zhang etc ... and the initial (non-nuclear) gain 
is via ZPE and the Lamb shift and the "relativistic" pumping mechanism. Either 
anomalous heating or cooling are possible.

The more controversial step is how this ZPE depletion then sets the stage for 
actual nuclear reactions - not as a "cause" of the excess heat, but as an 
"effect" of it having been released.


-----Original Message-----

From: Roarty, Francis X

Robin -

        Just a shoot from the hip reply till I get a chance to sit down after 
work but I wouldn't expect a Casimir cavity to transform ALL wavelengths - the 
CONDUCTIVE GEOMETRY gives it a dimension (mouth of the river)to draw from, and, 
 like a rubber sheet it draws in space-time from the mouth of the cavity such 
that the wavelengths don't really change - they only appear changed because now 
they seem to fit between 2 plates without enough spatial displacement from our 
perspective outside the cavity - space time is stretching OFF our AXIS onto its 
own axis (inertial frame)- the limit of the wavelengths affected from our 
perspective is proportional to Casimir force and how much of the sheet can be 
stretched into this other axis. It's not a velocity thing where you have to get 
appreciable fractions of C to effect the Pythagorean relationship but rather 
the time axis itself is being directly manipulated as in equivalent 
acceleration which in this case is negative and concentrated from relatively 
huge reservoirs compared to the size of the cavity such that they are 
inexhaustible...permanent. The slow accumulation of gravity and normal 
gradients is sidestepped first by suppression to build these reservoirs and 
then by tiny cavities to invert the reservoir from normal mass like opposition 
to this etheric rate to accelerating it into a stream even faster than the 
ambient rate used to fill the reservoir. This works well with both reports of 
small half life delays of radioactive gas (in reservoir outside cavity)and 
reports of accelerated half lives (inside cavity). In fact you asked me about 
the magnitude of these dilations with respect to tunneling and I think some of 
these accelerated half life accelerations might be a good experimental way to 
get a ball park on those numbers. I think this is a very rare phenomena where 
the geometry, materials and environmental factors have to be carefully 
controlled because the hydrogen must surf along the strongest Casimir force 
gradients and be transforming/ contracting into ever smaller geometry--- which 
brings up another consideration. An object at relativistic velocity appears to 
have Lorentzian contraction on only 1 spatial axis while remaining unchanged on 
the other 2 spatial axis due to the Pythagorean relationship of Gamma with 
respect to the time axis. Equivalent acceleration is already effecting the time 
axis directly and there is no spatial displacement therefore negative 
equivalent acceleration should cause an object to contract in all 3 spatial 
dimensions and appear to be displaced at a distance from any spatial 
perspective outside of the cavity.... perhaps the enormous accelerations 
reported for UFO's is actually time axis contraction of future spacecraft 
returning to their time :_)



-----Original Message-----

From: []

Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 9:34 PM

To: francis

Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:More on Ni-H LENR

In reply to  francis 's message of Sat, 8 Jan 2011 21:01:18 -0500:







>When I say gas atoms see themselves as totally normal inside the cavity but

>time is accelerated inversely proportional to the cube of the spacing

>between Casimir plates I am simply applying a relativistic interpretation to

>the Casimir formula. That is to say the longer vacuum wavelengths are not

>suppressed between Casimir plates but rather space time transforms to allow

>the longer wavelengths to fit -

But there are lots of longer wavelengths. The longest is at least the size of

the universe (if not infinite). In order for it to fit, the time transformation

would also have to be infinite (which would also allow all the other waves to

fit), and besides, this doesn't match the Casimir formula, which is based on the

size of the cavity, IOW on the longest wavelength that *will* fit. What I'm

trying to say is that you can't have a different time transformation factor for

each wavelength, therefore you must use the factor which matches the longest

wavelength if you wish to follow this path.

Note also that any atom in a solid can be considered to be in a "point fault"

cavity in the solid. If time were really transformed to this degree, then

radioactive solids would all decay instantly.

The smallest possible space which may be considered a cavity is determined by

the shortest possible ZPE wavelength (the Planck length), since such a cavity

would exclude all waves, and anything larger would exclude a portion of the

waves meeting the definition of a Casimir cavity.



Robin van Spaandonk

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