
Nice translation of a very nice HNi reaction theory. He seems to adopt a very 
transient appearance of these mini atoms similar to deflation theory and ties 
it to another theory where the whole “neutral” mini atom is captured  inside 
the columb barrier. The only point I would add is that he should have made some 
connection regarding the bond states of these mini atoms which the required 
environment seems to imply must be made to vary between h1 and h2. He does say 
“That the formation of (transient) "mini-hydrogen atoms" with the 
characteristics mentioned a moment ago, must require high-energy electrons in 
the "delocalized plasma" in the lattice, is crystal clear, I think:” which may 
be an indirect acknowledgement of this mechanism.



PS could the translation of this captured mini atom back to normal size be 
relativistic and  translating the gamma radiation to a less lethal form of 






[Vo]:Stremmenos E. Christos, HNi reaction theory, Italian with Google 
translation and amateur editing: Rich Murray 2011.01.22

Rich Murray
Fri, 21 Jan 2011 23:08:15 -0800

Stremmenos E. Christos, HNi reaction theory, Italian with Google
translation and amateur editing: Rich Murray 2011.01.22
Ch. Stremmenos
January 20th, 2011 at 12:45 PM
The censorship of my commentary on the article "Cold fusion: a few
tests in Bologna"
by Catherine Visco,
Published 19 January 2011 by Galileo journal of Science
confirms obvious allusions that shaded my comment.
Prof. Christos Stremmenos (dell’Università di Bologna, in pensione)
Allow me to repeat it in your magazine for the whole of that comment,
not to stir controversy but to make public my views.
Prof. Christos Stremmenos (University of Bologna, retired)
"Since I was also present in this demonstration and it was the third
in a time that witnessed the presentation,
let me make a few comments on:
• A colleague Mr Antonio Zoccoli who I have the pleasure of knowing personally,
has reacted as have many of my colleagues (teachers and researchers),
who have never dealt with this line of research (interdisciplinary by
its nature),
pontificating from 1989
on since there was the first announcement by Martin Fleischmann and
Stanley Pons.
• And just to be prudent about an invention (Rossi-Focardi) of this magnitude,
but also intellectually honest,
to talk in scientific terms with those who have dealt with this issue
and try to contribute their expertise in constructive terms (including critics),
given the importance that this research has for the survival of the Planet.
• 30 years is more than enough to see "the cure for the cancer on Our Planet",
but non-skepticism, I do not think, is so naive,
as now we have been led to irreversible climate change since 1989 that
could perhaps be,
if not prevented, at least delayed.
Those with some interest in my positions in detail, can search on these sites:
3. Note: not published:
I agree in principle with the idea of Focardi and Rossi,
on the mechanism of the process in the system H / Ni (A new energy
source from nuclear fusion),
which requires the capture by the nucleus of a Ni "screened proton" of
adsorbed hydrogen.
Since it is necessary to specify the characteristics of the "screened
proton" and
to respond in a very convincing way, two fundamental questions are:
a) the mechanism of overcoming the strong electrostatic repulsion
between the Ni core and the "screened proton" (Coulomb barrier)?
b) the absent (or minor) experimentally observed γ radiation, in
disagreement with the proposed annihilation of β + and β- (511 keV) in
the hypothesis of Focardi and Rossi?
With research, and effort, structures and their principles have been
scientifically ascertained,
such as the hydrogen atom, on the high speed of nuclear reactions (10E-20 sec)
and The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
We start with simple and elementary considerations:
The hydrogen atom (Bohr) in the ground state and in the absence of disturbances,
remains stationary in its configuration for an unlimited time,
due to the fact that the probability wave associated with its electron
(de Broglie ) is in phase concordance.
With mutual contact of the H atoms and the Ni lattice, the Ni metal
atoms lose their stationary electronic configuration,
releasing their electrons into the conduction band, with the H atoms starting
to spread like "bare proton" masses through the structures of the
polycrystalline nickel,
occupying interstitial sites as well as vacancies and tetrahedral
sites and octahedral voids in the crystal structure.
So, the crystal structure, is permeated by a "delocalized plasma",
consisting of the protons of hydrogen adsorbed with their transferred electrons,
along with the chemical valence electrons of Ni in different energy
states (Fermi).
In this dynamic state of the "delocalized plasma", based on the
Uncertainty Principle, there might be formed in very short instants of
time (e.g. 10E-18 seconds) a series of hydrogen mini-atoms satisfying
Heisenberg's Principle along with that the condition of correlated
phase of de Broglie [pilot wave...].
The atomic radius of the (unstable) mini-hydrogen atoms will fluctuate
and still be consistent with the Fermi energies of the conduction
which are in turn consistent with the uncertainty principle. (They are
Of these (completely neutral) mini-atoms, those with atomic diameter
of less than 10E-14 m (the range of strong nuclear forces) are
statistically captured (with speed 10E-20 sec) by the Ni nuclei of the
crystal lattice.
Note: (the mini-atoms with atomic diameter of less than 10E-14 m,
requiring high-energy electrons in the "delocalized plasma", ???)
Then the process follows the path suggested by Focardi and Rossi,
namely, the capture by the nucleus Ni58 not of a "screened proton",
but rather of a mini-hydrogen atom (with diameter less than 10-14 m),
transformming to Cu59.
[ Question ] occurrence of beta decay of Copper nuclei with emission
of  β+ and β- (electron in the captured mini-H atom,)
or do they annihilate in situ (?)
That is, annihilation in the same newly formed nucleus Cu59,
or is β+ annihilated by any electron in the lattice,
emitting in both cases, two high-energy γ photons (511 keV).
In other words, those who run such an experiment would be subject to
lethal γ radiation,
which does not occur experimentally.
In any case, a serious quantum theoretical approach in terms that
would give convincing quantitative answers on these models,
would be to tackle the problem through the time-dependent perturbation
theory, considering:
1. the global wave function (nucleus + electrons in non-stationary terms)
2. the total Hamiltonian including the terms for traveling waves and
transient states,
3. identifying situations with RESONANCE.
Such an approach has been successful in theoretical chemistry
and with appropriate analogies, may also apply for our problem.
Returning to our approach with intuitive models / images recall:
• first, the BOLZMAN statistical distribution (considering the
asymptotic curve at high-energies)
• The photoelectric effect
• Compton effect
• Mössbauer effect
That the formation of (transient) "mini-hydrogen atoms" with the
characteristics mentioned a moment ago,
must require high-energy electrons in the "delocalized plasma" in the
lattice, is crystal clear, I think:
1. Statistics BOLZMAN:
It is not illogical to assume that the system Η / Νi, heated to
400-500 deg C at the beginning, is allowed statistically (Bolzman), a
very small percentage of electrons in the lattice with the needed high
These, according to the principle of wave-particle duality, can form
(with the scattered protons) hydrogen atoms of very small,
electrically neutral, but extremely unstable (?). Then it follows, as
we have said before, a number of reactions, with final production of
high-energy γ photons (511 keV).
You can not imagine that the large amount of energy (in kW / h)
measured experimentally, is due to the "thermalization" of the initial
small number of high-energy γ photons.
I think instead of the photoelectric effect, initial γ  photons excite
the electrons of inner shells of Ni atoms in the crystal lattice,
extracting pairs with high kinetic energy (heat).
At the same time, there is enrichment with high-energy plasma
electrons delocalized in the lattice, with multiplicative increase of
nuclear events in the system.
The level of saturation of this multiplication process, will certainly
have some upper limit that I have no way to validly predic.t
However, if one properly removes the produced heat produced with heat
exchangers, it was found experimentally that the system does not
diverge. [allowing stable steady state operation]
3. Compton effect:
Compton scattering, complements and is simultaneous with the
photoelectric effect, in the sense of producing a myriad of γ photons
of frequency depending on angle (scattering), which means a myriad of
electrons extracted variable energies, also we note that photons from
50 keV up cause one hundred percent of photoelectrons.
4. Mössbauer effect:
For the conservation of momentum of the γ photon, it would split its
energy between the recoil of the nucleus of copper (Cu59, isolated
nuclei in the lattice) and γ of the lowest energy, which in the end
result (Dufour ) accounts for a negligible (1%) of "thermalized"  γ
For the moment, seeking the interpretations more convincing and
consistent with the experimental results, it is the photoelectric
effect (and Compton), which justifies the absence of gamma radiation
and describes the progression of  nuclear reactions. "


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