In reply to  francis 's message of Sat, 22 Jan 2011 07:54:20 -0500:
>Nice translation of a very nice HNi reaction theory. He seems to adopt a very 
>transient appearance of these mini atoms similar to deflation theory and ties 
>it to another theory where the whole “neutral” mini atom is captured  inside 
>the columb barrier. The only point I would add is that he should have made 
>some connection regarding the bond states of these mini atoms which the 
>required environment seems to imply must be made to vary between h1 and h2. He 
>does say “That the formation of (transient) "mini-hydrogen atoms" with the 
>characteristics mentioned a moment ago, must require high-energy electrons in 
>the "delocalized plasma" in the lattice, is crystal clear, I think:” which may 
>be an indirect acknowledgement of this mechanism.
>PS could the translation of this captured mini atom back to normal size be 
>relativistic and  translating the gamma radiation to a less lethal form of 
Not necessary. He has completely missed the possibility of enhanced electron
capture as an alternative to beta+ decay. During normal electron capture the K
shell electron travels at very high speed through the nucleus (electric field
energy has been converted into kinetic energy), which means it isn't in there
for very long, and the chances of capture are low. However with enhanced
electron capture, the electron is directly "on hand" and not traveling rapidly,
so the chances of capture are much higher. Note also that pair production (part
of beta+ decay) costs energy, whereas electron capture doesn't, so electron
capture is energetically preferred, but beta+ decay usually dominates because
the electron presence is so fleeting.


Robin van Spaandonk

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