On 02/03/2011 05:13 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

Ideally, it remains our hope that personality flaws won't adversely
influence the alleged authenticity of extraordinary scientific
evidence collected by said "personality". And yet, here we are,
seemingly unable to avoid participating in the very mess we detest.

Amen to that. And I say it is Rossi's fault. He is either inadvertently spreading confusion and misinformation, or he is deliberately deceiving people. He responded offline to my posting on his blog. Why the heck he did not make his response public I cannot say, but I shall publish it here, along with my response.

Oh my we've seen that behavior before.

[Rossi wrote:]

3. About your [Jed's] suppositions, I will make no more tests on modulbecause it is clear that people like you will also find something wrong.

You are asking legitimate questions and Rossi is responding with anger and accusations.

Where have we seen this sort of behavior before?

The fact that you've consistently been a supporter makes no difference -- you ask sensitive questions, and he lashes out.   "people like you" -- yeah, right.

[Rossi wrote:]
You just talk too much, I prefer to make facts.

Rossi sez:  Don't ask questions.

Where have we seen this sort of behavior before?

[Rossi wrote:]

1- Leonardo Corp exists and it is sound. It is clear that you have found another leonardo corp ( there are many Leonardos). My one is sound, believe me. i...@leonardocorp.com

Yeah, sound as a bell.  An alarm bell, specifically.
"No such domain

Your request for http://leonardocorp.com/ could not be fulfilled, because the domain name leonardocorp.com could not be resolved."

So whois leonardocorp, anyway?  It seems funny, if it's Rossi's company, in New Hampshire, that the domain is registered to a Ronald Leonardo in Connecticut:
Domain Name.......... leonardocorp.com
  Creation Date........ 2005-04-24
  Registration Date.... 2005-04-24
  Expiry Date.......... 2011-04-24
  Organisation Name.... Ronald Leonardo
  Organisation Address. 42 Country Club Drive
  Organisation Address. 
  Organisation Address. Hamden
  Organisation Address. 06514
  Organisation Address. CT
  Organisation Address. UNITED STATES

Admin Name........... Ronald Leonardo
  Admin Address........ 42 Country Club Drive
  Admin Address........ 
  Admin Address........ Hamden
  Admin Address........ 06514
  Admin Address........ CT
  Admin Address........ UNITED STATES
  Admin Email.......... rg...@yahoo.com
  Admin Phone.......... +1.2032881699
  Admin Fax............ 

Tech Name............ YahooDomains TechContact
  Tech Address......... 701 First Ave.
  Tech Address......... 
  Tech Address......... Sunnyvale
  Tech Address......... 94089
  Tech Address......... CA
  Tech Address......... UNITED STATES
  Tech Email........... domain.t...@yahoo-inc.com
  Tech Phone........... +1.4089162124
  Tech Fax............. 
  Name Server.......... ns.iwebhosting.com
  Name Server.......... ns2.iwebhosting.com

Anybody feel like emailing Ronald at rg...@yahoo.com and asking him about Rossi?

[Rossi wrote:]
2. Same for Defkalion: you found another one. Also Defkalion is a common name in Greece.

Okay. Why did you repeatedly refer to it as "Defkalion Energy" when the name is "Defkalion Green Technologies"?

And why does Google say "Information No results found for "defkalion green technologies"." ?

Why do you claim you have a degree from a non-existent university? Why don't you post the name of the company in Florida?

Maybe because there isn't one?  But that's just a guess.

Let me say, however, that Rossi has been giving me and others one story after another for a year now, with no supporting evidence, and I am fed up with it. Consider for a moment how ridiculously easy it would be for him to provide confirmation for these claims. For example, he said there was a reactor in a factory in Italy operating continuously for six months. He claims hundreds of units are being fabricated. Okay, why not give us things like:

* The street address of these factories and photos of the equipment.

Because it doesn't exist.

This one has smelled bad from the start -- if he's had this thing running so long, so well, why is it big news that he can run it for 1/2 hour in a public demo?  (And didn't I hear a claim of two years at one point?)

The mysterious factory powered by the first law PMM is old news.  We've heard it before.  The trouble is they never turn out to exist.  The only thing new here was that Rossi's claim wasn't totally ruled out by basic physics.

When I first heard about this factory of Rossi's it struck me as a red flag -- like the little additional note on the end of a child's story, "And then he died!" that, instead of strengthening the tale, makes it collapse completely into a heap of unbelievable assertions.

* Brief technical reports or affidavits from qualified experts (even anonymous ones). No engineer or scientist on earth would fail to take notice of a device that works for months. No one would ignore it.

When I investigated the Griggs gadget, Hydrodynamics gave me a mountain of supporting evidence for their claims. They gave me documents and testimonials from customers, from qualified engineers, the County Property Manager, the Fire Department manager, the Dean of Mech. Engineering at Georgia Tech. I ran my own tests, and I observed other tests too, and that is the basis of the claim, but there was plenty of evidence that qualified experts had independently verified the claims. Rossi has been doing this for at least a year and probably much longer. Is Levi et al. the first independent test? Why didn't they run the machine longer?!? As Storms said, this was amateur. It looked ad hoc. Why didn't they do a more professional test and presentation? Why don't they do one now? Why is there still a veil of secrecy over this project, and what possible benefit can it be to Rossi or anyone else? Above all, why does he keep doing and saying things that make him look bad?!?


More weirdness: Rossi could have $100 million in R&D money handed to him on a platter if he would only act rationally and do a few more demonstrations. Instead he claims he is fabricating a 1 MW reactor. Doesn't he realize that such a radical scale-up is potentially dangerous, and that regulators and safety experts will surely step in and shut him down? How can he not know that?!? It is incredible to me that he thinks he can just start manufacturing and installing such machines. This is the 21st century for goodness sake, not 1750. There have been laws and standards governing such machinery since James Watt set the standards and prevented the use of high pressure boilers because of the dangers. You can't just go around installing untested, unproven, large-scale nuclear reactors of unknown etiology!!!

. . .

Let me put it this way. Suppose all these things I have discovered over the past year are honest mistakes. Rossi did not mean to say Kensington U.

Right, he misspelled "Milan" as "Kensington".

He spelled Prof. Kelly's name wrong. He informed me and others that the name of the company in Athens, Greece is Defkalion Energy but that's wrong -- it was supposed to be DEFKALION GREEN TECHNOLOGIES.

Does that make a difference?  DGT doesn't exist.

The question arises: Why is he so scatterbrained?

He is not scatterbrained.

Do not make the mistake of underestimating him.  He is cleverer than an awful lot of people, including his investors.

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