
        You mentioned an avalanche in your other thread due to increasing
the QM probability using a
Radioactive seed that should also apply to Thorium. I think you may have
guessed their process or an an equivalent one!
Your threads on this subject combined make a nice theory. I still think the
avalanching itself consists of catalyzed groups of mini H2 that are being
driven across the disassoc threshold by the radiation - the disassociation
is discounted by the lattice's opposition to f/h2 random migration vs f/h1
migration such that one disassociation can trigger an avalanche. Rest time
to re-associate and build up more opposition to migration and repeat. I
think the different PWM, laser, radioactive seeding and other stimulus
schemes are all based on triggering this disassociation suddenly before the
lattice opposition to h2 migration repels the molecule away and the discount
is lost as kinetic energy. This discount is a function of the random motion
of gas and change in nano geometry. I think this or some other Heisenberg
trap is required as an interim step to the nuclear reactions.



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