Jed sez:

> Brian Ahern says it seem Rossi has put the fear of God
> into Mills. Mills put out a "me too!" paper with dozens
> of viewgraphs mainly ones showing that if he would, he
> could build a a big energy generating system too, and by
> golly it might be as good -- or maybe lots better! -- than
> what that ol' Rossi has already built.

I suspect there is some truth to that assessment. It would seem that
Dr. Mills became more "visible" out in his Yahoo group "Society for
classical Physics" after Rossi & Focaradi made their presentation. Dr.
Mills even answered one of my own queries:

>From the horse's mouth:

Quoting the good doctor:

We are working on an electrical demonstration for 2011. As
Reported we have and continue to have experts independently
run the systems with full disclosure of the chemistry and
full characterization of the reactants and products
including the hydrino product.

> ... It reminds me of Henry IV:
> Glendower: I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
> Hotspur: Why, so can I, or so can any man;
> But will they come when you do call for them?

I gotta brush up on my Shakespeare.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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