Joshua Cude <> wrote:

And a good way to measure car speed is with a speedometer. But if someone
> claims have driven 250 mph in a chevy Volt, I'm gonna suspect the honesty
> first, and the speedometer second.

If you suspect that Levi and the others at U. Bologna are not honest, then
nothing they say or do will convince you. You will conclude that they are
conspiring to fool the world temporarily and destroy their own reputations,
for some inexplicable reason.

However, if you assume they are ordinary, sane professors who act like any
other ex-President of the Chemical Society would act, then you will assume
they are capable of measuring a flow rate with a graduated cylinder and
stopwatch, or by watching the weight change on a digital weight scale. These
tasks are easy. Any grade-school child could handle them. There is no chance
that a group of professional scientists working for 6 weeks would
continually make mistakes doing them.

- Jed

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