One of the Wiley editors sent me a cheerful note saying that Krivit is an
editor, not a writer. I think this editor is unaware of the upcoming
textbook. He cited this: "Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia."  The sections on
cold fusion are indeed edited by Krivit. Here are cold fusion sections of
the table of contents:

Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions.

41. Development of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research (Steven B. Krivit).

42. Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions: A Three-Stage Historical Perspective
(Leonid I. Urutskoev).

43. Low-Energy Nuclear Transmutations (Mahadeva Srinivasan, George Miley and
Edmund Storms).

44. Wisdom-Larsen Theory: Possible Explanation of LENR (Joseph M. Zawodny
and Steven B. Krivit).

45. Potential Applications of LENR (Winthrop Williams and Joseph M.

Item #43 was extracted and circulated at the conference. It was pretty good.
I have not read the other items. But based on the other books edited by
Krivit they are probably okay. I don't know about #41, but as long as he
stays away from theory and conspiracy theory it should be okay.

I wrote back to the editor:

[Krivit] is a fine editor, too! I have read the [extracted article from]
Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia articles, and it was excellent.

However, at the ICCF-16 conference, he said he is starting a new project at
Wiley which will take a few years. This will be a textbook. The people who
wrote the Encyclopedia articles, Srinivasan, Storms and others were at the
conference. They assumed he would ask them to contribute to the new textbook
as well. So they approached him and asked about his plans. They were
disconcerted when he told them to shut up and go away. (Literally.) They
asked me to ask you what the heck is going on.

I don't want to poke into your business -- or Krivit's business. But that
was a strange way for an editor from a company such as yours to deal with
distinguished professors. Maybe he was having a bad week . . .

As I said, as long as the upcoming textbook will be written by experts and
edited by Krivit, I am sure it will be fine.

I really appreciate the fact that your Encyclopedia included those articles
about cold fusion. It is a controversial subject, as you know.

By the way, I am just Mr. Rothwell. No PhD. My background is linguistics,
programming, and translating Japanese technical articles into English.

- Jed

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