On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

> The massive rejection of cold fusion, which extended to rejection of a
> graduate student thesis solely because it involved cold fusion research, and
> once the news of that got around, cut off the normal supply of labor for
> replication work. Nobody gets a Nobel Prize for boring replication, running
> the same experiment that others have run, over and over, and nobody gets
> rich from it. As I investigated cold fusion, I saw this, and I'm working,
> myself, subject to my own rather severe limitations, to fix this, I'm
> designing and constructing a single, very specific experiment, that anyone
> could replicate with about $100 and a power supply. But this work is not
> designed to "prove cold fusion." All it will do, if the replication
> succeeds, is show a few neutrons per hour. (The design is, I hope,
> insensitive to normal charged particle radiation, and will effectively
> exclude background.)
Will that $100 include neutron detection?

Never did I see a second sun
Never did my skin touch a land of glass
Never did my rifle point but true
But in a land empty of enemies
Waiting for the tick-tick-tick of the want
A uranium angel
Crying “behold,”
This land that knew fire is yours
Taken from Corruption
To begin anew

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