On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Anyway, I was calling this setup “PLC/PTC” since it could be PLCs driving
> thermistors… and now it has been realized that, if accurate, there is a
> possible new variable to the input – ultrasonics and possibly a travelling
> wave, due to five controllers, when if the requirement was only for
> temperature – one would be sufficient. Other reasons for this suggestion is
> the Energetics Technologies (Dardik) SuperWave™ and the other evidence of
> sonofusion and/or sonoluminescence.

Whew!  That medicinal hooch packs quite a wallop!

These simple PLCs generally have a maximum speed of 25ms.  Any faster
process will require PACs.

Sonic, yes.  Ultra, no.


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