Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

> With a single report, lots of opportunities exist for error or, yes, fraud.
> With many reports, and especially with independent confirmations . . .

This is not a single report. People have done flow calorimetry millions of

Seriously, Prof. Levi did not invent the techniques used in this experiment.
The content of the cell and cell behavior cannot cause the calorimetry to
produce the wrong result. There is no need to know what is in the 1 L
mysterious inner box. You can -- and ideally you should -- treat that as a
black box. You should have no preconceived idea of what it will do. That is
the best way to get the right answer. It resembles the blind tests for
helium done on the samples Miles mailed to other labs. When the person
operating the calorimeter knows nothing about the cell content that improves
confidence in the result. The calorimeter will tell you more about what is
in the black box than Rossi himself knows. It will reveal tricks such as a
hidden thermal mass, or something warmed up ahead of time. That is what the
instrument is for.

Your assertion that this is a "single result" is like saying in 1989 "we
cannot trust SIMS mass spectroscopy when applied to cold fusion because SIMS
have not been used for that purpose before." There may be some attributes of
cathodes that call for special care in the use of SIMS. But this was not the
first time people used SIMS.

There are some aspects of doing calorimetry with electrolysis over several
weeks that make it tricky, and different than calorimetry with other
chemical reactions. But not that different. Not terra incognito,
or unprecedented.

This is also not the first time people have observed heat from the Ni-H
system. For that matter, it is not the first time independent experts have
worked with Rossi and confirmed his results.

Of course it would be better if Rossi were not in the room, and better still
if they could make the powder and gadget from scratch. But to call this a
"single report" is exaggerating. For one thing, it is two reports, with
steam and hot water. They are mutually reinforcing. Much better than one or
the other alone.

- Jed

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