I notice in Rossi's patents, he specifies the Nickel was from : [0094]
Powder nickel: Gerli Metalli--Milan

Has anyone here tried to find out what kinds of nickel they make.
Carbonyl nickel? special alloys?
Do they really make nano sized materials or is it just nickel powders (like
in the patent pictures of 10 micron).

No nano nor Raney Ni shown.  :-(


.... Rossi's patents show particles of 10 microns not nano.
(he mentions nano in claims but that is not what the pictures show)
I don't think that he was rich enough to get a liter of nano nickel for these experiments.
--- a dollar or two per gram if you are lucky.
Right now I would guess he just used carbonyl produced nickel as used in powder metallurgy.
Something like- Vale Inco Products -Nickel Powder Type 123
It looks close to his photos.
Gerli Metalli listed in the patent is associated with Vale.

Now perhaps some investigative type might see if Gerli Metalli will just sell "us" some nickel the same as they sold Rossi...... if they are not restricted some how from telling.
They might enjoy the business

Dennis Cravens

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