But hasn't Rossi said repeatedly that his reactor only uses about a gram of 
Ni??? Although, I don't
remember a timeframe for that figure.. Was it for an hour, a day or 6 months?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene [mailto:jone...@pacbell.net] 
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 3:26 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Nickel


There are so many inconsistencies with what Rossi has said, compared to what is 
mentioned in the
patent, that it is hard to give the patent much credence... especially since it 
is poorly drafted to
begin with. I look at it as a smoke-screen as much as anything.

One thing is fairly clear however, and it may indicate that you have hit on a 
critical detail - that
a comparatively large amount of nano nickel might be a key to success. 

AFAIK - no one in LENR has ever tried large amounts (kilograms?) of active 
matrix material before,
even Mills, and a liter volume capacity tube will hold 5 kg of nickel (packed) 
or perhaps 2 kg of
loose powder. Moreover, the
5 PLC controllers indicate that thermal control is of the highest importance to 
this device; and a
large mass of active material would possibly make it easier to keep the 
internal heat steady at a
threshold, so that only a small amount of differential heating is required.

Obviously no one could easily afford to purchase or use 2 kg of palladium in 
nanopowder, but with
inactivated Raney from China costing about $150/kg or less if you buy more, 
then this tactic (large
mass of material) becomes feasible.

Was that your thinking, or is there another advantage ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis 

Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Nickel

The size and shape looks more like PM Nickel to me:

and it seems more in keeping with what is listed in the patent
as: Powder nickel: Gerli Metalli--Milan
I don't see them making Raney nickel.

Dennis C

From: "Jones Beene" <jone...@pacbell.net>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 3:14 PM
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Nickel

> At the magnification used, this patent image is consistent with Raney 
> nickel IMO.
> You can see that the globules have a lot of smaller nano features 
> which would not be resolved without far greater magnification.
> Are not the globules consistent with this image?
> http://www.esrf.eu/Industry/case-studies/raney-nickel/raney-nickel

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