On Mar 1, 2011, at 11:47 AM, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

In reply to Horace Heffner's message of Sun, 27 Feb 2011 20:39:30 -0900:
I believe there was a statement by Rossi that there was no residual
radiation, so this should rule out 59Ni in the leftovers.

The radiation from 59Ni may be difficult to detect, as most of the time it decays via EC directly to the ground state (no gamma), with the neutrino taking the energy. (See http://atom.kaeri.re.kr/cgi-bin/decay?Ni-59%20EC). The very small amount of positron decay would be mostly stopped by the lead shielding,

IIRC, statement was in regard to the cleanliness of the process, i.e. the ash. The lead shielding during operation is irrelevant. There should be no difficulty detecting 59Ni.

and if the initial reaction of 58Ni were rare anyway, then it might be lost in
the background.

Robin van Spaandonk


You must be well behind the list in your reading. The above was superceded by the following post:

On Feb 27, 2011, at 8:39 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

58Ni creates 59Cu:

   58Ni28 + p* --> 59Cu29 * + 3.419 MeV [-6.329 MeV]

59Cu positron decays in 81.5 s (normally) to 59Ni which has a 76,000 yr half-life.

I believe there was a statement by Rossi that there was no residual radiation, so this should rule out 59Ni in the leftovers.

However, it may be a reasonable hypothesis that the initially trapped electron (by 6.329 MeV deficit) stimulates the nucleus to the point where 59Co is created quickly from the 59Cu. Now we can have:

   59Co27 + p* --> 60Ni28 + 9.533 MeV [1.588 MeV]

but we have now moved up the ladder sufficiently to convert everything to copper. This reaction might produce 1.588 MeV gammas by the way. Non-radiating alternatives might be:

   59Co27 + 2 p* --> 60Ni28 + 1H1 + 9.533 MeV [-6.856 MeV]
   59Co27 + 3 p* --> 58Ni28 + 4He2 + 17.441 MeV [-7.881 MeV]

The key question I think is whether the initially trapped electron has the kinetic energy to stimulate a very short half-life of a radioactive composite nucleus. Clearly it does! The trapped electron *initially* has the kinetic energy it had when it was in the very small deflated hydrogen state, a very high kinetic energy, low potential energy. This explains why radioactive products are not observed from heavy element LENR, at least not from the simple single decay elements that have been experimentally involved. This may not be true of very heavy elements like those in the actinide decay chain, for example. This could be a very interesting line of research concerning nuclear remediation.

I should have noted in the above that the hydrogen nucleus itself takes on a large portion of the kinetic energy in the deflated state, because the relativistic mass of the nucleus and electron are about equal. Even if the electron is involved in an immediate weak reaction, the kinetic energy remaining in the hydrogen nucleus should be enough to fast trigger any pending single nuclear reaction with long half-life.

Further stated in that post:

Actually, according to deflation fusion theory, there is an initial energy deficit of around 4.84 MeV that would suppress the initial gamma:

  60Ni28 + p* --> 61Cu29 * + 4.801 MeV [-4.840 MeV]

So, I don't see that as a problem. The problem to me is the lack of any evidence that heavy element LENR ever results in radioactive nuclei. Maybe this would be a first.

The 61Cu29 decays to 61Ni29 in 3.333h, but the 4.84 MeV trapped electron may stimulate that immediately. Now we are back to copper with:

  61Ni28 + p* --> 62Cu29 * + 5.866 MeV [-3.722 MeV]

This taken as a whole is an agreement with you, for very slightly different reasons, reasons that make sense within the deflation fusion model, that *all* the Ni isotopes can prospectively be converted to copper (and/or Zn or Co in the process). This makes more sense to me than 94% of the heavier isotopes being actually converted to copper, leaving only 58Ni and no detectable 59 Cu.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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