This is the more interesting footage:

> In the dark of the night, without notice to the public, without any
> debate, without even printing copies of the bill, 18 Republicans used
> procedural trickery to strip hundreds of thousands of workers in
> Wisconsin of their collective bargaining rights.
> This is a National Outrage. We will NOT stand by and let them get away
> with this disgrace
> I shot the following You Tube footage Wednesday evening, March 9 at
> approximately 8 PM as I hastily approached the capital building. Word
> finally got out via eMail about what the republican senators did
> clandestinely.  Within no time outraged demonstrators started
> gathering around the Capital building. As demonstrators collected
> around the entrance to the capital speakers shouted out instructions,
> making sure everyone understood that THIS PROTEST IS A PEACEFUL
> NONVIOLENT PROTEST. Everyone cheered. Yes, we are angry but we will
> remain peaceful and non-violent over this outrage. Finally the doors
> opened in and we were let in. Incidentally, I saw an off-duty
> policeman in the crowd of demonstrators. He was a demonstrator too.
> Thousands descended filling up the main rotunda, running up the stairs
> to the second and third floors, all the time loudly but PEACEFULLY
> demonstrating their outrage at this travesty to democracy.
> This is just the beginning. I had to leave around 9:00 PM to get this
> footage loaded up to You Tube. Hundreds, thousands more were arriving
> as I left. Cars were honking around the square.
> This is a political revolution in the making.
> Please pass this on.
> It is guaranteed that you will be hearing more about this very shortly
> in the news. Stay tuned.
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

Steven Vincent Johnson

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