Another hypothetical conversation in room C1 (This version is probably
even less likely, but what the hey! I'm speculate'n here!)

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AUDIENCE PARTICIPANT: Dr. Park, what are your thoughts on Rossi's
"Cold Fusion" device?

DR. PARK: There isn't much I can say on the subject

AP: But... but... but why haven't you come out and exposed it for what
it is! The device is after all just another "cold fusion" contraption,
isn't it? Isn't it just another perfect example of voodoo science
praying on the naive minds of wishful thinkers?

DP: Actually, I wouldn't currently call this voodoo science. The
device is currently being independently tested at the physics
department of the University of Bologna, Italy, as we speak.

AP: But, but, but Rossi's device is just another COLD FUSION device!
We all know COLD FUSION was dismissed back in 1989!

DP: Actually, it's my understanding that Rossi has never claimed that
their device is based on the principals of COLD FUSION. According to
Rossi the device generates heat as a result of what he calls not well
understood nuclear interactions. Now, if you feel a little skeptical
about such an interpretation, well, rest assured, it sounds highly
fishy to me too. It's just an outrageous claim! More likely: Did Rossi
make a mistake? Or is he trying to scam us? To be honest, I simply
don't know. While I suspect Rossi made a mistake, at present, I don't
have enough information at my fingertips to make a correct assessment.
Hopefully, the physics department in Bologna will be more revealing as
to what those alleged little understood nuclear interactions might be,
or not be.

AP: But, Dr. Park, surely you have an informed opinion on the matter.
I find it absolutely bizarre that Rossi's device continues to remain
unexposed! How long will it take before it's exposed as just another
botched experiment, or perhaps even a scam.

DP: Every bone in my body is telling me the fact that this device
cannot be for real. It violates a century's worth of accumulated
quantum mechanical laws so badly that it's pathetic. Nevertheless,
regardless of whether I think it's pathetic or not, it's continues to
be an interesting on-going event, one that I continue to watch
closely. It deserves rigorous scientific scrutiny, the kind of
scrutiny that is presumably going on right now in a physics lab at the
University of Bologna, Italy. To be honest, I wish such research was
being performed here, at a physics lab located somewhere in the United
States. But for now, Bologna, Italy will have to do.

AP: How confident are you as to the capabilities of the Bologna
physics department coming to the correct conclusion?

DP: Let's first see what Bologna has to say on the matter, and what
they back their conclusions up with. I'll reserve personal judgment
until then.

* * * * *

And with that final installment, I think I've beaten this horse to
death enuf times.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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