I have asked:

Dear Ing. Rossi,

It was some dispute between
your supporters regarding the minimum size of the E-cat generator- 2.5 kW?
Do you mean that smaller sizes are impossible to manufacture for some
technical reason or only not practical or notefficient? Again
metaphoricallly, bonsai E-kittens or cat babies are excluded, or just not
interesting technologically?
I imagine that you had and can manufacture miniatural generators if you
wish- for special applications (?)

Thank you!
Peter (also Ing. – from 1959)
And Andrea Rossi has answered- very promptly, politely and correctly, in my

Dear Ing. Peter Gluck:
Good question. At the moment I am not focused on bonsai-ecats, and there are
difficulties to be overcame. Theoretically such difficulties could be
resolved, I think. At the moment the focus is on the industrial
applications, because the market is there, now. But our R&D will arrive also
to try to make good results with very small amounts of reactants. It is not
easy, but I think is not impossible. Now I am focused on my 1 MW unit, but
we’ll talk again about the important issue you put a spotlight on.
Warm Regards,

That's it!
Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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