I should add one thing relevant to the Swedish testing.

We presume (hope) that the Swedes will not use a hose connected to plumbing
where you get free water pressure, and will use a pump. The pump's power
must be included in P-in.

A liter/sec pump seems to require one horsepower or about .75 kW.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene 


No, all of this nonsense is explained by Rothwell picking out an irrelevant
detail in a long thread, and ignoring everything else - in order to cover
his trail in case the Swedish testing does conform to my prediction. 

There is no factor of 1000 relevant to anything but the high thermal
excursion in the second "secret" data of mid-Feb. In fact, Rothwell hates to
admit he was wrong on this minor point - so he drags out a "label", as it
were, pretending that it has relevance to the January demo - which it has

He got cornered on the bet proposal, feels slighted that he has blindly
trusted bad data - and is now trying vainly to save face.

BTW - I'm basing the COP of ~10 estimate on both an alternative theory and
on real NiH data not from Rossi.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Palmer 

Re: the Jones/Jed spat

Part of it might be explained by the confusion between  "factor of  2 or 3" 
and "factor of 1000". If one was meaning orders of magnitude and the other 
wasn't, the flame war might become more resolvable.

Nick Palmer

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