In reply to  .:.gotjosh's message of Wed, 20 Apr 2011 11:33:49 +0200:

I suspect that Hydrogen wouldn't be absorbed by the Ni fast enough for it to
become saturated when the Hydrogen is initially connected, so one might expect
the Hydrogen pressure in the container to actually drop after the Hydrogen is
disconnected. It may even drop back considerably.
(The atomic volume of H in the nickel will be about 75 times less than that of a
gas compressed to 22 Bar.)

>I would love a copy of that doc... please do send one my way.
>i also made a calculation based on that line from the K&E report
>- surprisingly i got zero comments - although i consider it a very relevant
>issue... 25 atm at startup is much more at 500C... i would love it if
>someone could double check these calculations and perhaps include them in
>the details documents.
>using the estimate of 0.09 grams of hydrogen pressurized
>into a 50cc chamber with
>5cc occupied by 50g of nickel (at 8.8g/cc)
>and 45cc unoccupied (for the hydrogen to fill)
>with a starting pressure of ~24atm at 20C
>the pressure will grow to ~64atm at 500C
>atm      deg K     deg C
>24.22   293     20
>25.87   313     40
>27.53   333     60
>29.18   353     80
>30.83   373     100
>34.97   423     150
>39.10   473     200
>43.23   523     250
>47.36   573     300
>55.63   673     400
>63.90   773     500
>72.16   873 600
>80.43   973 700
>105.23  1273 1000
>(are my calculations correct ? -
>(note: K&E say 0.11g hydrogen but they are ignoring the space that the
>nickel occupies - and the 50cc is an estimate anyway)
>On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 00:43, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:
>> Alan J Fletcher <> wrote:
>>> That's from the K&E report :
>> Thanks.
>> - Jed

Robin van Spaandonk

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