Axil Axil <> wrote:

> *You have neglected a potential very important roadblock to cold fusion
> development, the US military, air tight regulatory control, security
> classification, and the proprietary use of cold fusion technology by the
> military industrial complex.*

I do not think this will be a problem, for several reasons:

Cold fusion is being developed in other countries by civilians. Nothing
about cold fusion is classified now and it is too late to classify it. There
are only a few proprietary uses of cold fusion by the military, such as
making tritium for thermonuclear weapons. These will be of no value in the
civilian market, so it will not matter if they are kept secret. Nearly all
of the advantages cold fusion will give to weapon systems will be similar to
those that steam engines gave to naval vessels in the Civil War. That is to
say, they will be conventional civilian technology applied in ways that
happen to have military value.

This is discussed in my book in chapter 11.

- Jed

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