I don't know why but I keep feeling (Red) fish smell ....

2011/4/26 Mattia Rizzi <mattia.ri...@gmail.com>

>  Rossi don't discose all the truth.
> This is my e-mail to Mats Lewan (NyTeknik) and his response:
> Dear Mattia,
> I’m gathering info on this and will report within a week.
> Mats
> *Från:* Mattia Rizzi [mailto:mattia.ri...@gmail.com]
> *Skickat:* den 24 april 2011 12:35
> *Till:* Lewan Mats
> *Ämne:* Abot Rossi's E-Cat and new experiments
> Dear Mats Lewan,
> i know that there was a new experiment  with the Energy Catalyzer this
> week. Can You provide some information, like where the test has been done
> (Sweden or Italy, if it was inside an university, etc)?
> Thank you very much.

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