if we exist in a plane like 2d flatworlders we would be unable to perceive a  
spatial 4th axis. The fact that relativistic travelers are unaware of time 
dilation or that the 3 out of 4 dimensions they experience as spatial are not 
the same as the ones we experience at low velocities suggests that all 
dimensions are spatial. When a spaceship is at .707C it appears from our 
perspective to be at 45 degrees between time and space,it starts contracting 
faster and losing velocity if it goes any faster BUT from the perspective of 
the spaceship occupants they are at 0 degrees -part of what they see as normal 
space is OUR time axis - when they accelerate to C we see them come to a stop 
while they travel into the future which they perceive as a spatial volume. I 
think we have to consider the proposal that time is actually a spatial 
dimension as possible. 

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