From: Jed Rothwell 


Mattia Rizzi <> wrote: 


>Cold fusion has been replicated thousands of times in hundreds of labs, and
***conclusively verified*** by people such as Levi and Kullander.


You are too enthusiastic.

Even Hanno Essén said (on Italian's Skeptics Society (CICAP) magazine
(Query)) that the test performed on March 29 was a PRELIMINARY TEST. Don't
say conclusively because it's not true.

E&K's report says:

. . .  0.11 gram hydrogen and 6 grams of nickel (assuming that we use one
proton for each nickel atom) are about sufficient to produce 24 MWh through
nuclear processes assuming that 8 MeV per reaction can be liberated as free
energy. For comparison, 3 liters of oil or 0.6 kg of hydrogen would give 25
kWh through chemical burning.  Any chemical process for producing 25 kWh
from any fuel in a 50 cm3 container can be ruled out. The only alternative
explanation is that there is some kind of a nuclear process that gives rise
to the measured energy production.

> That sounds conclusive to me.



I find it closer to delusional than conclusive. These two Swedes are acting
more like cheer-leaders than top scientists. Kullander is ‘emeritus’ and
could be approaching senility, as far as a few of his comments are
concerned. Essen is not listed at KTH as a member of the department of
nuclear physics. Essen is lecturer to undergraduates. That pretty much tells
it all.


Even a second-rate undergraduate would be unlikely to suggest that a nuclear
reaction can convert nickel to copper at the natural isotope ratio with no
residual radioactivity. LOL.




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