( -- The long running debate on whether cell phones are capable of 
damaging human tissue and causing health problems received new fuel from a 
published at arXiv by theoretical biologist Bill Bruno from Los Alamos National 
Laboratory in New Mexico. 

Cell phones and the microwave photons they create have been looked at for some 
time as having the potential for causing damage and health issues to humans. 
side shows evidence that cell signals have affected human behavior and health, 
while the other side says there is no epidemiological evidence and that 
microwave photons do not have enough energy to damage chemical bonds and 
biological tissue.

However, as Bruno points out in his paper, microwave photons can cause damage 
the conditions are right. The main argument is that microwaves are not able to 
damage human tissue when the photon density in a cubic wavelength is less than 

Bruno compares this to optical tweezers, which are able to manipulate and 
cells with the use of photons. Optical tweezers have large amounts of photons 
piled on each other creating a stronger force. It is this reasoning that Bruno 
believes that cell signals are capable of damaging human tissue because their 
photons per cubic wavelength are much greater than one.

Bruno has shown that the argument that microwaves cannot disrupt a chemical 
is no longer enough to say that cell phones are unable to damage human tissue. 
This new information will most definitely add more fuel to the cell phone 
debate. Bruno argues that the way current safe dosage limits are determined is 
not accurate because it does not take into account this tweezer-like notion 

More information: What does photon energy tell us about cellphone safety? 
arXiv:1104.5008v1 [q-bio.OT]

It has been argued that cellphones are safe because a single microwave photon 
does not have enough energy to break a chemical bond. We show that cellphone 
technology operates in the classical wave limit, not the single photon limit. 
Based on energy densities relative to thermal energy, we estimate thresholds at 
which effects might be expected. These seem to correspond somewhat with many 
experimental observations.

via Technology Review

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