*“We have a theory: Relativistic Casimir Cavities! Re-Read the many posts by
Fran Roarty and me.”*

What does this theory (Relativistic Casimir Cavities) say about the items
that interest me; the production rate of tritium if any, or the production
of U-233 from thorium-232 or PU-239 from U-238?

How does this theory relate to other cold fusion reactions in general? Does
this theory support the NI + H -> Cu reaction? Can this theory transmute 40
some odd elements from just H?

Does it explain the consumption of 1 gram of H2 per day without leakage?

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 7:22 PM, Wm. Scott Smith <scott...@hotmail.com>wrote:

>  We have a theory: Relativistic Casimir Cavities! Re-Read the many  posts
> by Fran Roarty and me. This potentially explains transmutation and heat
> production. Look at the  patents by Modell and Haisch where they propose
> circulating a gas through Casimir Cavities.
> Scott
> ------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 2 May 2011 16:13:20 -0400
> From: janap...@gmail.com
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Subject: [Vo]:Let us exercise some common sense in terms of dimensional
> analysis.
> Let us exercise some common sense in terms of dimensional analysis.
> As revealed on the Rossi web site as follows:
> Dear Mr Mauro Rossi:
> 1- we consume about 1 gram of hydrogen in 24 hours
> 2- I never saw neutrons and neutrinos, with exception of few times, when I
> saw neutrons, captured in bubble columns, but for a very particular
> experiment I made by myself, being very dangerous.
> 3- No, I didn’t.
> Warm regards,
> A.R.
> One gram of hydrogen per day is a HUGE amount of hydrogen inputted into a
> closed system and consumed.
> Where could it all be going?
> If one hydrogen atom transmutes 1 nickel atom into copper that means about
> 64 grams of copper would be transmuted every day. Since we know that there
> is only 100 grams of nickel used in the Cat-E, the theory that nickel fusion
> with hydrogen just does not add up.
> There are about 30 some odd elements transmuted in addition to copper
> present in the Cat-E ash. Where did they come from and how are they formed?
> The theory that Rossi puts forward on what happens atomically in the Cat-E
> just does not make sense.
> If the Cat-E can run for 6 months without shutdown, then about 180 grams of
> hydrogen enter the Cat-E. Where does it all go?
> If the Cat-E can run for two years without shutdown, about 730 grams of
> hydrogen enter the Cat-E. Where does it all go?
> Constrained by common sense, does anyone have a theory that can deal with
> these facts that have been revealed by Rossi.
> Wouldn’t the gas pressure rise in the reaction vessel over time if all that
> hydrogen was fed into the Cat-E?

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