The Rossi US patent application is quite a piece of work.  He claims
both fusion and fission reactions occur in the cell:

[0069] In particular, said graphs clearly show that zinc is
formed, whereas zinc was not present in the nickel powder
originally loaded into the apparatus said zinc being actually
generated by a fusion of a nickel atom and two hydrogen
[0070] This demonstrates that, in addition to fusion, the
inventive reaction also provides a nickel nucleus fission phenomenon
generating lighter stable atoms.
[0071] Moreover, it has been found that, after having generated
energy the used powders contained both copper and
lighter than nickel atoms (such as sulphur, chlorine, potassium,
[0072] This demonstrate that, in addition to fusion, also a
nickel nucleus fission phenomenon generating lighter stable
atoms occurs.

He then claims that 58 g of Ni provides the equivalent energy of
30,000 tons of oil with the strangest calculation that begins with 10
MeV of energy per reaction.  This is converted to mass equivalent,
multiplied by Avogadro's number and, using Einstein's equation,
converted back to energy!



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